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Mapsetting (m)
mardukDate: Monday, 2017-05-22, 7:21 AM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
First of all:




1. If there are only a few players you have to set small maps. If you would set a big map the few players would leave. That is why all small maps are permanently overplayed. We have never found a proper solution for that.

2. The most favourite maps chosen by the players are (number of votes):
Prokhovovka (7)
Alpenfestung (5)
Op. Rattrap (5)
Remagen (5)
Battle of the Bulge (4)
Berlin Outskirts (4)
Rheinübung (4)
Chartres (4)
Sector 318 (4)
Battle of Gela (3)
Berlin Streets (3)
Breakthrough (3)
Battle for Ortona (3)
Bombing the Reich (3)
Counterattack (3)
El Alamein (3)
In the Hell of Bocage (3)
Midway (3)
Battle of Britain (2)
Berlin 1945 (2)
Bizerte (2)
Battle of Edsons Ridge (2)
Cretan Village (2)
Kharkow winter (2)
Liberation of Caen (2)
Op. Springawakening (2)

Nearly all of those maps are tank/inf maps. This is why we mostly prefer tank/inf maps. Most favorite maps are those with tank/inf/planes (Prokhorovka, El Alamein, Breakthrough, Alpenfestung, Gela). But those are really a few and if you set them to often players will leave. Even Prokhorovka can kill the server this way.

3. Asking players ingame is a bad solution really. You mostly get inappropriate suggestions. We keep asking, but it mostly is not of any use (most suggested maps are Alpenfestung, El Alamein, Rattrap... see above). If a good map is suggested, we mostly set it. But at the end of the day it always is a small group who is deciding about the maps, also because most players remain silent (probably they just want to relax and play, not discuss).

Those issues could be discussed again.

Please discuss in this thread and not in the events thread or the server crash thread. I will delete further posts about this topic in those threads.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Born-1942Date: Monday, 2017-05-22, 2:07 PM | Message # 2
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Awards: 16
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
I agree and I think you are right, so which small maps would be defined?

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
lrachowardDate: Monday, 2017-05-22, 6:46 PM | Message # 3
Group: Trusted
Messages: 41
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Status: Offline
A new cheat sheet would be nice since the currant one is outdated.

aka Mutantz
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2017-05-22, 11:47 PM | Message # 4
Lieutenant General
Group: Silver Donator
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Quote lrachoward ()
A new cheat sheet would be nice since the currant one is outdated.

U mean anything similar like punkbuster ?!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
CanukAttakDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 10:25 AM | Message # 5
Group: Friends
Messages: 97
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Status: Offline
Is their a way to convert rtr and sw maps to fhsw? But big problem is we don't have mappers. So suck it up play the same thing lol
XenanabDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 9:36 PM | Message # 6
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 465
Awards: 19
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Guys first of all, please stop posting your opinion on this subject in 3 different threads and use this one here instead, since Marduk just opened it up for exactly this kind of discussion.

Quote lrachoward ()
A new cheat sheet would be nice since the currant one is outdated.
Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
U mean anything similar like punkbuster ?!

What he wanted to say is that we could use a new chart which depicts the minimum player count recommended for general map setting.
Marduk posted a list but the problem is that it is a bit outdated.

What I suggest now is simply that all admins are invited to give their opinion on MINUMUM PLAYER COUNT FOR ALL MAPS.

Please open your levels folder and go down all maps that are in it and simply write done here what your minimum player count would be. Yes, mappack maps included of course.
To keep it simple just give even numbers and try not to differentiate player numbers by 1 or 2 more players. That would make it easier in the end to collect the numbers and give a good overview.

And if you now say: "I'm not taking my free time for this fucking bullshit." Please just don't feel forced to do this now. But keep in mind that your opinion can help the admin team to distinguish suitable and non suitable maps for our player base. Also you can just use my list here and edit the player numbers. Saves tons of time.

With our FHSW mappack 1 there are currently 140 maps in your levels folder for FHSW 0.61.
Yes of course some maps are suspected to be broken, but I've included them anyway. Don't forget that the following is just my opinion.

My list:

Now I put them in order:

All Admins, please share your own lists! Players too if they want.

Message edited by Xenanab - Tuesday, 2017-05-23, 9:48 PM
mardukDate: Wednesday, 2017-05-24, 1:57 PM | Message # 7
Group: Admins
Messages: 1681
Awards: 45
Reputation: 13
Status: Offline
Adak_race - 2 players
Battle_of_Edson_s_Ridge - 2 players
Batte_Of_Pavlov-1942 - 2 players

Alpenfestung-1945 - 4 players
Bastogne-1944 - 4 players
Chartres - 4 players
Kharkov_Winter-1941 - 4 players
Pegasus - 4 players
Raseiniai - 4 players

Berlin-1945-Streets - 6 players
Eagles_Nest-1945 - 6 players
Eagles_Nest-1946 - 6 players
El_Alamein - 6 players
Midway - 6 player

Battle_Of_Foy - 8 players
Bizerte-1943 - 8 players
Cretan_Village - 8 players
fht_dinant-1940 - 8 players
Iron_Monster - 8 players
Operation_Forager - 8 players
Stalingrad_RedSquare - 8-16 players (depends on the version!)

Aberdeen - 10 players
Battle_at_River_Don - 10 players
Battle_Of_Britain - 10 players
Battle_of_Gela-1943 - 10 players
Karelia - 10 players
Reichsbahn-1945 - 10 players
Remagen - 10 players
Rheinuebung_1941 - 10 players
Sector318-1944 - 10 players
The_Forgotten_Jungle - 10 players

Battle_Of_Orel-1943 - 12 players
Fall_Weiss-1939 - 12 players
Guadalcanal - 12 players
Hungary_Forest-1945 - 12 players
Kiew - 12 players

A_Day_of_Zitadelle - 14 players
Apennines - 14 players
Arctic_Convoy-1942 - 14 players
Arnhem-1944 - 14 players
Battle_Over_Hokkaido-1945 - 14 players
Counterattack-1940 - 14 players
Desert_Hill - 14 players
Falaise_Pocket-1944 - 14 players
Fall_Gelb-1940 - 14 players
Gold_Beach-1944 - 14 players
In_The_Hell_Of_Bocage-1944 - 14 players
Kakazu_Ridge-1945 - 14 players
Monte_Cassino-1944 - 14 players
Ramelle_Neuville - 14 players

Battle_of_Angaur - 16 players
Battle_of_Bougainville - 16 players
Battle_Of_The_Bulge - 16 players
Battle_Of_Valirisk-1943 - 16 players
Berlin-1945-Outskirts - 16 players
Eastern_Blitz-1939 - 16 players
Fall_of_Singapore - 16 players
fht_golf_hotel-1944 - 16 players
fht_hong_kong-1941 - 16 players
fht_operation_longcloth - 16 players
fht_pasir_panjang-1942 - 16 players
ilomantsi-1944 - 16 players
Iwo_Jima - 16 players
Kasserine_Pass-1943 - 16 players
Kharkov_Outskirts-1943 - 16 players
Liberation_Of_Caen - 16 player
Nuenen-1944 - 16 players
The_Attack_on-Carentan-1944 - 16 players
the_great_pursuit - 16 players
Tobruk - 16 players
Transcarpathia-1944 - 16 players

Battle_for_ortona-1943 - 18 players
Battle_Of_Makin - 18 players
Battle_Of_Stalingrad - 18 players
Berlin-1945 - 18 players
Breakthough-1944 - 18 players
Desert_Rose-1942 - 18 players
fht_battle_of_mareth_line-1943 - 18 players
fht_operation_dracula-1945 - 18 players
fht_the_breaking_point-1940 - 18 players
Gazala - 18 players
Gazaps-1945 - 18 players
Invasion_Of_The_Phillippines - 18 players
Juno_Beach - 18 players
KORSUN_POCKET - 18 players
Meuse_River_Line-1944 - 18 players
Operation_Nordwind-1944 - 18 players
Prokhorovka-1943 - 18 players
Saipan-1944 - 18 players
Salerno - 18 players
Siegfried_Line-1945 - 18 players
Soletschnorgorsk-1941 - 18 players
Stalingrad_urban_area-1942 - 18 players
Suomussalmi-1939 - 18 players
the_merville_battery - 18 players
Todtenbruch-1944 - 18 players
Way_to_Paris-1946 - 18 players
Zveroboy - 18 players

Battle_of_Iwo_Jima - 20 players
Battle_of_Leyte_Gulf - 20 players
Battle_of_Leyte_Gulf_day2 - 20 players
Bombing_The_Reich-1945 - 20 players
Earned_in_Blood - 20 players
fht_battle_of_kohima-1944 - 20 players
Moscow_Outskirts-1941 - 20 players
Operation_Goodwood-1944 - 20 players
Operation_Rattrap - 20 players
Seelow-Heights-1945 - 20 players
Tunis-1943 - 20 players
Wake - 20 players
Wake_Night - 20 players

Crete-1941 - 22 players
kushira - 22 players
Operation_Hailstone - 22 players
Ural_Mountains-1947 - 22 players
Warsaw_Uprising - 22 players
Westminster-1942 - 22 players

Adak_Island - 24 players
Fall_of_Berlin-1945 - 24 players
Naichi - 24 players
Operation_Kikusui_day1 - 24 players
Operation_Kikusui_day2 - 24 players
Tarawa-1943 - 24 players
The_Storm - 24 players
Trois_Ponts-1944 - 24 players
Westwall-1945 - 24 players

Alaksa-1948 - 26 players
Manchuria-1945 - 26 players
Midway-1942 - 26 players
Operation_A - 26 players
Operation_SpringAwakening - 26 players
Operation_Varsity - 26 players
Sand_Storm - 26 players
Tulagi_island - 26 players

Operation_Coronet-1946 - 28 players
pakfront - 28 players

Air_Raid_Alert_-Kure-1945 - 30 players
Battle_of_Off_Malay - 30 players
Monster_des_Stahles - 30 players
Ocean_Town - 30 players
Simusyu_To - 30 players

Omaha_Charlie-Sector-1944 - 34 players

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Wednesday, 2017-05-24, 8:45 PM | Message # 8
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 195
Awards: 9
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Rattrap 20 players ? it can be played by 10 easy

Adak_race - 2 players ?  that map is not very fun by 2 sad

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Wednesday, 2017-05-24, 8:47 PM
XenanabDate: Wednesday, 2017-05-24, 10:23 PM | Message # 9
Group: Silver Donator
Messages: 465
Awards: 19
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
Quote E-3 ()
Rattrap 20 players ? it can be played by 10 easyAdak_race - 2 players ? that map is not very fun by 2 sad

See, that's your opinion and exactly the reason this thread here exists. And it would be great if you could contribute your own list too!
sonikglightDate: Thursday, 2017-05-25, 6:54 AM | Message # 10
Group: Recruit
Messages: 155
Awards: 6
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
marduk, Great work really this is good stuff.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2017-05-25, 6:34 PM | Message # 11
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Awards: 16
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
I liked the list, many maps that are popular are from 2 to 14 players. I think it's good because the less popular maps will be played by a larger number of players.

I would only make the following modifications:

Adak_Island - 26
Berlin-1945-Outskirts - 20
Seelow-Heights-1945 - 20
Bombing_The_Reich-1945 - 30
Way_to_Paris-1946 - 30
Prokhorovka-1943 - 30

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
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