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FHSW Suggestions Thread Vol. II (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 5:53 PM | Message # 1
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Post your suggestions for future FHSW versions here, not only vehicles but also game mechanics and effects.


  • Try to only suggest one or two things in one posting.
  • Explain why you suggest it, we have tons of vehicles (especially tanks) already keep that in mind.
  • Please no reposts of things which are already recorded in the list below

    Posts which don't follow the rules may be deleted without comment.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2014-07-28, 10:51 PM | Message # 121
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    The Americans have the Harley Davidson motorcycle, the Germans have the BMW R-75.

    I suggest the Russian Dnepr M-72


    The Japanese Type 97 Motorcycle


    The Brittish Norton 16H

    punisherDate: Thursday, 2014-07-31, 3:11 PM | Message # 122
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    Edit by Admin: Post doesn't follow the special rules in this thread, sorry.

    "....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

    "this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


    punisherDate: Tuesday, 2014-08-12, 10:47 PM | Message # 123
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    how about destroyable barbed wire

    for example in world war two and world war one the British had the McClintock Bangalore torpedo (obstacle clearing explosive charge) and the French had the Barbed wire destruction rod grenade

    "....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

    "this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2014-08-12, 11:42 PM | Message # 124
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    Still possible isn´t ist?! On Omaha the allied engis have the bangalore if I remember right?

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Wednesday, 2014-08-13, 0:28 AM | Message # 125
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    Yeah they do, its possible.
    punisherDate: Saturday, 2014-08-16, 8:23 PM | Message # 126
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    Edit by Admin: Post doesn't follow the special rules in this thread, sorry.

    "....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

    "this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2014-08-17, 9:41 AM | Message # 127
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    Quote punisher ()
    KhPZ Komintern tractor 1930
    I would rather like to see T-20 Komsomolets armored tractor, since it was produced in large quantities (around 8000 prior to the beginning of Operation Barbarossa), they were used widely on all fronts, unlike Komintern tractors, significant amount of which was used on Far East and at homefront,  and just to replace those Universal Carriers on Kharkov Outskirts and other early war maps:

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Sunday, 2014-08-17, 9:42 AM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2014-08-17, 11:31 AM | Message # 128
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    Quote LieutenantCable ()
    For one of the Battle of the Bulge-based maps the Germans could have a captured Sherman tank. They had been inspecting and occasionally using "Beutepanzer" Shermans throughout the war but they were used in combat most prominently at the Bulge.
    Nice idea! I would go a step further and suggest to develop more captured tanks. Germans have the T 34 already. Easy job to give the standard models other paint pattern and insignias.
    I know that the spJgr abtl 612 in Russia used 2 captured T34 tanks with mounted flak vierlings and had 2 Porsche Tigers in their vehicle park.
    In ardennen offensive germans used camouflaged Panthers which they gave the shape of the Wolverine in melting steel plates around the Panther hull and put on the US insignia.

    But I think there are enough other little props that have to be solved first.

    BTW any admin can rezize the topic of Seeman please?

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

    Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Sunday, 2014-08-17, 11:33 AM
    Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2014-08-17, 4:04 PM | Message # 129
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    And @punisher: Please read and follow the rules of this thread, you have violated them at least 4 times now.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Korsakov829Date: Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 3:29 AM | Message # 130
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    Here's a suggestion: Optimize the bloody mod before adding anything new!
    I found at least 8 crappy single shot Soviet AT rifles on Iron Monster, there's probably twice as many laying around. Why so much excess?! Who even uses those? Where is one instance where 6 of those in the main base will be all in use by the players on the server? All these minor things that haven't had much thought to them, it's just a waste. Not just that map but so many others, every other map tries to fit so much as is available to that faction and year.
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2014-09-03, 3:00 PM | Message # 131
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    perhaps u should post this one in serverside modding. Have in mind that FHSW Japan have , if they play, 60+ players ...

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Saturday, 2014-10-18, 11:54 PM | Message # 132
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    We should give Japan some seaplanes, like the F1M2 or the H6K, those would be neat in game.
    Korsakov829Date: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 0:14 AM | Message # 133
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    Think F1M2 is already in game.
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 1:07 AM | Message # 134
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    Oh, ok. Do you know which map?
    crazygameloverDate: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 4:12 AM | Message # 135
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    Do you know which map?
    Midway, Operation Hailstone, any map with big Japanese ships, as the F1M2 is a ship-based aircraft.

    Message edited by crazygamelover - Sunday, 2014-10-19, 4:13 AM
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 4:43 AM | Message # 136
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    Oh, now I remember, ok thank you for your information. smile
    Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 3:00 PM | Message # 137
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    Yeah, some US and Japanese seaplanes! Why we have still not the Catalyna?
    Korsakov829Date: Sunday, 2014-10-19, 3:27 PM | Message # 138
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    I think work started on it but nobody ever finished it.
    DutchDate: Friday, 2015-03-20, 5:18 PM | Message # 139
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    the Hotchkiss H35 for the french armed forces. maybe not forgotten or secret, butt still a cool tank for in the game.
    and it can be used for poland beacause they used it in the second world war.

    Armour: 40mm Turret, 34mm hull
    Main Arnament: 37mm SA 18 gun
    Secondary Arnament: 7.5mm Reibel machine gun.(This tank was also used by Nazi-Germany, so maybe a MG-42 to make it easy)

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotchkiss_H35

    ''Be carefull the seat is not bolted down, you can't reach the clutch, can't use the brakes, the door flies open, there is a clocking sound, brakes are a lil' sketchy but it has POWER!'' -David Freiburger

    Message edited by Dutch - Friday, 2015-03-20, 5:36 PM
    (HH)BenjaminDate: Saturday, 2015-03-21, 4:52 AM | Message # 140
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    I'm not sure, but I believe that this tank is already in the game, but don't quote me on that.