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FHSW Suggestions Thread Vol. II (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 5:53 PM | Message # 1
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Post your suggestions for future FHSW versions here, not only vehicles but also game mechanics and effects.


  • Try to only suggest one or two things in one posting.
  • Explain why you suggest it, we have tons of vehicles (especially tanks) already keep that in mind.
  • Please no reposts of things which are already recorded in the list below

    Posts which don't follow the rules may be deleted without comment.

    My Youtube Channel
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    mayerDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:35 AM | Message # 21
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    Quote LieutenantCable ()
    It doesn't need to be removed completely. I just want it to be improved a little on in maps were it is really bad, such as Bizerte.

    or Remagen x_x
    SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:15 PM | Message # 22
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    I think there needs to be anti-infantry mines, like the German S-mine(aka bouncing betty). When stepped on they pop up into the air before detonating, i think it could be a cool addition to infantry maps. maybe they could even figure out a way of adding a minesweeper to the engineer kits to balance it out.

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    Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:15 PM | Message # 23
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    Hmm maybe these maps are meant to be like that because it was a foggy that day?

    Wake is really fun without the fog, I've attached the map file try it out by yourself.

    Don't forget to delete it before joining the server though.

    Edit: Yeah AP mines would be interesting, just recently Apache Thunder figured out how to code them correctly with kill message and everything: http://www.battlefieldsingleplayer.com/forum....=187450
    Attachments: Wake_001.rfa (26.2 Kb)

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:29 PM | Message # 24
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    Quote mayer ()
    or Remagen x_x

    Lol! Yes Remagen with more view distance would be fine especially for the germans. Flying the 262 is like plunging through the biggest pea soup  wacko I couldn´t understand how starking is managing to hit anything ... without any words about that Fockewulf with dowwards firing shrecks killed

    And it would be lot of fun to camp with Jagdtiger from german borderline to the other side of the river laugh

    Is it possible to change view distance per SSM?! Prokhorovka is another map I would like to see with that change.

    !!! pretty nice clearly updated list, many thx!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

    Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:36 PM
    SimoHayhaDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:31 PM | Message # 25
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    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    Edit: Yeah AP mines would be interesting, just recently Apache Thunder figured out how to code them correctly with kill message and everything: http://www.battlefieldsingleplayer.com/forum....=187450

    That is really cool! especially this bit:
    "I also noticed if a soldier crouches/prones or walks, he can get past a mine without setting it off. This could benefit players who spots a mine
    before it goes off, but can now sneak past it by walking slow past it
    or by crouch/prone past it."

    I think this make it a fair balance and add a high degree of realism, it is actually what they had to do when moving through mined areas. Plus i think it would make maps with a defensive theme very interesting because you wouldnt have to worry as much about a lone infantry slipping past your lines and capping a rear flag.

    EDIT: I imagine some of the coding from the existing s-mine launcher on german tanks could also be useful to make a mine version,

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    Message edited by SimoHayha - Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 1:48 PM
    slobodanDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 2:37 PM | Message # 26
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    PZL.23B Karaś

    Main Polish bomber and reconnaissance aircraft used during the defense of Poland, around 300 were built.
    It would be good supplement for Polsih nation with:
    - PZL P.11 as fighter
    - PZL.23B Karaś as light reconnaissance\bomber
    - PZL.37 Łoś as medium bomber
    Mr J, eYe - I'm keeping my fingers crossed v

    Message edited by slobodan - Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 2:38 PM
    Santa-AnnaDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 4:37 PM | Message # 27
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    The NI Tank, also called the Odessa tank or Terror Tank, was an improvised Soviet armoured fighting vehicle, based on an STZ-5 agricultural tractor, manufactured in Odessa during the early days of the German-Soviet War. More than anything this tank was intended to frighten and demoralize
    enemy positions that believed it to be an actual heavy armored vehicle.


    Interesting Q-vehicle for special urban maps =)
    LieutenantCableDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 8:13 PM | Message # 28
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    Quote Endless_Nameless
    Hmm maybe these maps are meant to be like that because it was a foggy that day?

    Bizerte is a nice sunny port city on the North African coast. It shouldn't be foggy. And yet the draw distance with buildings is horrible.

    cable flies a plane
    DeathDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 8:40 PM | Message # 29
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    I feel the sameway Robert...how the hell does he hit shit with all the fog when he dives at like mach 10 to drop bombs or the shreks  dry
    I would like to see the Comet Tank on some late war british maps, I mean it was a tank that saw service during the war.

    Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 9:44 PM | Message # 30
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    @eYe: Now I'm confused since we've got two similiar, active topics over here. The second one is "Sugestions what should be modified on the current weapons" , where a lot of important issues were raised. Perhaps both should be merged, hmm?
    Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-12-17, 10:20 PM | Message # 31
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    Whoops forgot about that one, yes I think we should keep everything in one thread.

    Edit: @Robert: No it's not possible to increase viewing distance via ssm.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    mayerDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 1:51 PM | Message # 32
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    updated list smile
    thread "Suggestions what should be modified..." is now merged with this one. The old thread is discontinued.

    i found out that the soviet landcruiser/battleship falsely designated as K-Bагeн was indeed a real concept, so it got moved under the section combat vehicles. Ironically the man who proposed this monstrosity of a 1000t tank at the Leningrad factory "Bolshevik" in autumn 1931 was noone less than Edward Grotte, a german engineer who was leaned foreign specialist at that time and the same man who proposed another 1000t tank, the P-1000 in 1942 to Hitler. I guess he had a size fetishism...

    specifications of TG-10 (Tank Grotte 10):
    weaponry: 2x 304-mm guns, 4x 152 mm and 4x 76 mm and 2x 45 mm cannons
    armour: frontal & turret up to 300 mm, sides: 250 mm, roof & bottom: 60-100 mm
    power: 24,000 hp
    speed: up to 60 km/h eek

    i have also added some anti mine rollers from the predecessor thread together with these exotic Shermans:

    M4 Sherman T1E3 "Aunt Jemima"

    right, this Sherman has just attached two big wheels with each consisting of 5 disks, each of them with a diameter of 88-inch (2.2m) and
    the whole construction weights 27 tons. What it does? It rolls over mines and let them explode

    M4 Sherman T10 "Big Foot"

    Monster Sherman biggrin

    Quote SimoHayha ()
    I still think deployable tank traps need to be made!

    I really like this suggestion. However i'm not sure how much it affects game balance or if it's possible at all in bf42
    Also they should be removable or critical points are blocked off.

    Quote Death ()
    I feel the sameway Robert...how the hell does he hit shit with all the fog when he dives at like mach 10 to drop bombs or the shreks

    SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 2:20 PM | Message # 33
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    Quote mayer ()
    I really like this suggestion. However i'm not sure how much it affects game balance or if it's possible at all in bf42Also they should be removable or critical points are blocked off.

    Well they could be removed with spanner, the same way mines can be removed i guess, i dont see why it would be too difficult, after all if you try to drive into a deployed mortar or mg you dont go through it, and a tank trap model should be way easier to make than any vehicle with moving parts etc.

    As ive said in other posts i think that this, as well as having AP mines could make the engineer class have a much more important function.

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    mayerDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 2:39 PM | Message # 34
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    Quote SimoHayha ()
    if you try to drive into a deployed mortar or mg you dont go through it

    i can't believe i haven't noticed this
    SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 3:02 PM | Message # 35
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    Okay, so i checked, it turns out MG kits do not stop vehicles, the mortar can stop a jeep sometimes, ,normally the jeep will hit it, get damaged but manage to make it past sometimes it fully stops, but it does nothing to stop tanks or large vehicles, maybe this is mass related, or from the height of the mortar im not sure. I noticed also that deployed ammo crates(from truck) can be pushed around map with a vehicle.

    EDIT: Running over 2 mortars deployed on the same place messes up tanks a little, and wrecks jeeps completely. i think maybe the height and mass of what is being deployed makes a big difference.

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    Message edited by SimoHayha - Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 3:07 PM
    mayerDate: Wednesday, 2013-12-18, 3:26 PM | Message # 36
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    Quote SimoHayha ()

    EDIT: Running over 2 mortars deployed on the same place messes up tanks a little, and wrecks jeeps completely. i think maybe the height and mass of what is being deployed makes a big difference.

    It depends on their hitboxes but as it turns out, deployed mortars have hitboxes unlike deployed MGs
    mayerDate: Thursday, 2013-12-19, 4:23 PM | Message # 37
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    Fritz-KempfDate: Saturday, 2013-12-21, 11:55 PM | Message # 38
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    Ok then, because my first post was not accept. I will do my best to suggest other stuff then German.

    Ordnance Qf 18 Pounder Mk.II

    This British WW1 fieldgun was the standard fieldgun of the British army. It was used during WW1 but also during the German Invasion of West-Europe by Territorial Army regiments in the British Expeditionary Force in 1940, where 216 guns were lost. Why this gun? Now, the 3 Pounder guns in FHSW are no match against the German tanks. The 18 Pounder had a calibre of 8 cm and it can fire also armour piercing HE shells. For me, this should performe bether then the 3 pounder at-guns.

    Resistance Forces

    I don't care i already suggest it in other topic and i don't care what you all thinking about this. I will just fight for it! The resistance Fighters have been forgotten each time. Only Warsaw Uprising (wich is the Volksturm Uniforms) are the only resistance fighters in FHSW. Make the fighters civilien. We have a lot of fighting operations. Make some sabotage maps. Or Warsaw Uprising with the Judes from the movie The Pianist. Or the fights in the streets of Paris? The fights in Greece and etc...

    155 mm Long Tom

    Germans have the 12.8 cm Pak 44, Russians have the 203mm B-4 and 280cm Br-5, Japan have the Experimental High-Power 10 cm Cannon. Give the Americans also some heavy shit. Like the famous 155 mm Long Tom gun! Make with this the M40 and you have it also mobile. Done with the Priest!

    Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Sunday, 2013-12-22, 0:00 AM
    mayerDate: Sunday, 2013-12-22, 4:43 AM | Message # 39
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    Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
    Ordnance Qf 18 Pounder Mk.II

    I guess this is a Mk.IVR or VR carriage, strange that they still used the Mk.II gun in 1940
    because the Mk.IV gun was standard since 1919 according to wikipedia

    Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
    I don't care i already suggest it in other topic and i don't care what you all thinking about this. I will just fight
    for it! The resistance Fighters have been forgotten each time.

    And i have already added them to the list if you had read it (even with a link to the same picture lol)

    Sure i would also like to see resistance fighters (if you believe it or not i'm even a fan of the idea :yes:)
    maybe kind of like insurgency works in Project Reality with resistance trying to take out objectives like flaks, artillery, a factory or a train
    But as far as i see it, as long as the FHSW team doesn't get more mapping support this will probably not happen

    Now I also want to suggest sth but no vehicle/weapon:

  • arresting

    If he have suspicious civilians we need to arrest them and not gun them down like some criminal scum

    the same could of course apply to soldiers when they surrender

  • 3D-ironsights

    purely cosmetical and certainly a huge amount of work with all the FHSW weapons
    but it would create a lot of immersion if we get rid of the crosshair
    Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2013-12-22, 11:17 AM | Message # 40
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    Mayer! In That movie..... The Flag! We should also have the Russian flags when we attack at Stalingrad! :P