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Banned on -=PFC=- Server (m)
Stefan1990Date: Thursday, 2011-08-25, 9:39 PM | Message # 1
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Nice reason to bann somebody..... lol
mardukDate: Thursday, 2011-08-25, 9:54 PM | Message # 2
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Wirklich eine kreative Leistung sich ständig son Schwachsinn auszudenken biggrin

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
VanoDate: Thursday, 2011-08-25, 10:36 PM | Message # 3
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A whole list of players caught in the bann? Santa-Anna, too, was placed in a bann. Motivation - advertising of the National-Socialist server FHSW respect
[LSD]SeppDietrich[OGF]Date: Friday, 2011-08-26, 1:59 PM | Message # 4
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was sind das doch für leute wacko wacko wacko
da sollte keiner mehr hingehen das sind spinner für mich wink wink devil devil

Mut bedeutet zu kämpfen auch wenn der Feind übermächtig ist!
Courage meant to fight even if the enemy is over powerful!
Santa-AnnaDate: Sunday, 2011-08-28, 0:23 AM | Message # 5
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Its true.
Someone asked for FHSW servers, and I give him our link -_-
Stefan1990Date: Monday, 2011-08-29, 9:20 AM | Message # 6
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Quote (Santa-Anna)
Its true.
Someone asked for FHSW servers, and I give him our link -_-

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2011-08-29, 5:44 PM | Message # 7
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A few month ago I had a little war with Grabbi. He´s such a stupid creature. Next we meet on the server he prevented me from shooting him down during dogfight by cheating. It was the custommap "Oder river" My 30mm bullets glance off his JAK several times and at last he shoot me down with a dual bofors when I flew over german runway to rearm <_<. That map is really big and if u know it you know that the dual bofors are locatetd only on the russian airfield ...
That was the point for me that I decided never enter that server again. Grabbi is dazzled from his own selfimportance and is afflicted on a godcomplex in his little pixelfighter universe. Everybody how spent only 5 minutes with him in a teamspeak channel know what I mean wink
He is a man without any honor and don´t have to wonder why again and again his pfc server get highjacked by any tough guy how strikes back against that honorless behavior from the pfc god biggrin

regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Monday, 2011-08-29, 10:26 PM | Message # 8
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You are just fucking right!
Grabbi is a ridiculous person! He started insulting us several times without any reason -oh, sorry, no, that is not true: we exist! He has got any right to insult us.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
LampoDate: Thursday, 2011-11-10, 8:56 PM | Message # 9
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ahahah... Grabbi, funny man

just to remember

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2011-11-10, 10:18 PM | Message # 10
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Muharharharhar fucking great Link deal haha I have to read that that!!! Thanks for posting.

Regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 2:48 PM | Message # 11
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LOL I didn't know I'm a nazi:


My reply:

Message edited by Mr_J - Sunday, 2012-01-15, 3:59 PM
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 4:07 PM | Message # 12
Accessory Admin
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My reply was immedietly deleted, this is its body:

Good grief! I feel like I'm going to vomit when I look at yours pathological suspiciousness! There are no other words to describe your fury! Go infiltrate your neighbours, maybe they are nazis too!
You just have banned a dozen innocent players, including the guy who has bought my game by auction in 2010, BRAVO! smile

I persoanlly as well as rest of FHSW players have fun playing their favorite game without getting mixed regular computer game with any kind of political ideology, as contrasted with your dictator, named GRABI. Gestapo?
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 4:20 PM | Message # 13
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The drama continues, seems like you only have to play FHSW to get a ban.

Well they have to ban a lot of people because many play on both servers. That helps our server to grow, GJ! happy

Funny, how they throw out Nazi no matter what nationality you have.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 5:36 PM | Message # 14
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I wonder if there is anyone in the FH/FHSW-community who believes all that Nazi-bullshit dry

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 5:59 PM | Message # 15
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I don't know the background because I'm relatively new, but I've played over 200 hours on this server now and I haven't heard or read any "Nazi" related things, so it seems that they're just a bunch of liars. wink

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 6:33 PM | Message # 16
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They are liars. And they are not even quite clever.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-01-15, 11:46 PM | Message # 17
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hahahaha biggrin Everytime the same. They just have to call u a Nazi and thats the end. So everything u will reply is EVIL and no one will believe u.

Nevermind Mr_J, u are in good companionship here happy

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2012-01-16, 4:20 PM | Message # 18
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I laugh at them as they behave like monkeys in a cage. The fact is that server "crashed" yesterday in the peak moment of event. I don't belive it was plain server error. I observed server browser and that scary thing has happened when PFC noticed that their players amount is not numerous enough. Crashing an unprotected BF42 server is extremely banal. I've already informed Stefan what is needed to do, to avoid such attacks.

Few minutes before ""Crash""

Message edited by Mr_J - Monday, 2012-01-16, 4:22 PM
LampoDate: Monday, 2012-01-16, 11:31 PM | Message # 19
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
I wonder if there is anyone in the FH/FHSW-community who believes all that Nazi-bullshit

Grabbi biggrin

Quote (Endless_Nameless)
I don't know the background because I'm relatively new, but I've played over 200 hours on this server now and I haven't heard or read any "Nazi" related things, so it seems that they're just a bunch of liars.

The only truth is that Grabbi likes to have the monopoly on FH/FHSW and he has invented an hunting to the nazi to obtain it.
The lord of the flies... wacko

Message edited by Lampo - Monday, 2012-01-16, 11:32 PM
LampoDate: Monday, 2012-01-16, 11:38 PM | Message # 20
Donator of 40€
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Quote (Mr_J)
...in the peak moment of event...

noooooooooooooo, I'm not in the players list, or maybe i'm the 26th biggrin
I'm sure some1 will post that to Grabbi, so I wanna say to Mr Grabbi: " here I am, still alive "
