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popularity of FHSW Europe Community (r)
sonikglightDate: Friday, 2016-02-12, 3:41 PM | Message # 1
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What are some things we are trying to make this mod "forgotten Hope secret weapon" or this server "[Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon] European Community" popular or noticeable?

What are some of the media we using to advertise this mod?

I really like to know.


sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2016-02-12, 4:16 PM | Message # 2
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A few years ago I and a couple of others did advertise the mod quite a bit but I think it's fruitless work: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/34-285-1

What works is
- introducing it to RL or VL friends
- a big youtuber promotes it

And I think a proper (good sound and video quality) and regular "Let's Play" with commentary by someone with 0 subs could also work since the youtube market is not oversaturated with this type of LP unlike Minecraft or modern day shooters. My vids also got decent views although I have a very low subscriber count.

Nowadays I only update the moddb page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/forgotten-hope-secret-weapon/

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
LampoDate: Friday, 2016-02-12, 5:36 PM | Message # 3
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Quote Endless_Nameless ()
A few years ago I and a couple of others did advertise the mod quite a bit but I think it's fruitless work: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/34-285-1

ah. I didn't remember this post... but I see you found also the ngi.it forum and my thread for recruiting italian players. I remember that we had a good number of bf42 players and a lot of server at that time. Then BF2 and BF3 made a disaster. But now I go there to promote FHSW again. Maybe someone will read, it's one of the most important forum about gaming and similar and I was a big spammer in that period  cool

mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 10:36 AM | Message # 4
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I think it is important to get in touch with new players when they are on the server the first times. Quite often I see one or two of them and they play really noobish -trying out all weapons, getting killed ridiculously often, no teamplay etc. This surely sucks and you do not want to have them in your team. One the other hand you can directly ask them if they are new and then give them some advice and inform them about this forum and the regular events. The most new players I have asked did not know about this forum. We have to invite them and encourage them to become a part of the community. It would be good if the players could see the adress of this forum more often when playing.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
sonikglightDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 3:13 PM | Message # 5
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I see new players all the time on the other server they have a little campaign on advertising their community I don't know is it working but somehow they're getting new players.

Now I know they use Facebook, YouTube etc google Too as a tool idk how and team speak but they use team speak 2. I'm on team speak all the time when I'm in game that's how the other community capture players too not just by being friendly but supportive and etc.

Now I don't want to advertise just FHSW, I want to advertise the community with FHSW.

you see there still are players out there that wants to play a good world war 2 game.

I guess my point is keep trying.

I'm about to start a campaign myself on my YouTube channel to promote this community, nothing fancy just a lot of gameplay and a description.

Speaking of description what you guys think i should say in the description about this community or anything really.

P.S. Take the password off TS3 trying to get a community in team speak not a club. lol  band

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
wewakDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 3:34 PM | Message # 6
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Maybe you could try post some content on https://www.reddit.com/r/classicbattlefield , I have seen eYe and Jiang post there a while ago. There isnt much activity but it is possible that lots of people still look at it.

Message edited by wewak - Saturday, 2016-02-13, 6:48 PM
sonikglightDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 6:12 PM | Message # 7
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officially changing my name Winbean in game and ts3, I use this 1 to promote server.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite
(HH)BenjaminDate: Sunday, 2016-02-14, 7:40 AM | Message # 8
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I would highly recommend that you don't change your name to Winbean in game as a player tag. Not because the name itself is bad but it is also one of the names of one of Gabbi's cronies and since we don't have the best outstanding relationship with that community, I would suggest not going with the same name as some might mistake you for him. But it's still completely your final decision, just wanted to make sure you were aware of that.
LampoDate: Sunday, 2016-02-14, 4:46 PM | Message # 9
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Quote marduk ()
uite often I see one or two of them and they play really noobish -trying out all weapons, getting killed ridiculously often, no teamplay etc.

wow, that's me  teehee

Anyway(s) I have no problem with new players, i like them and I try to show some easter-egg or special weapons, but several times they prefers play with no help. Eyes told them about the ST pack, I saw you telling about pur forum... addig more advice during the game should be good and a friendly contact with them, even when they play like me  soccer should be good to teach some skill, non bugs but skillz... Last time i play drinking beer to be mooooore and moooore friendly.

LampoDate: Sunday, 2016-02-14, 4:49 PM | Message # 10
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Quote sonikglight ()
my name Winbean
so you are Winbeam   brows

sonikglightDate: Sunday, 2016-02-14, 5:23 PM | Message # 11
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My first promotion for this server check it out, check out the description on it, anymore detail I should put on it tell me or rearrange it etc.

Give me the info on what to say.

P.S. also going to be promoting [Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon] European Community  on Facebook and Google plus.

Don't know how to use Facebook and Google plus but I'm going to try! LMAO

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Sunday, 2016-02-14, 5:27 PM
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2017-05-21, 11:09 PM | Message # 12
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We play with 20 players sometimes this weekend is good. xD
I'll call 2 new friends for this community they'll play fhsw for the first time, treat them well.  smile

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
abbcheese_Date: Thursday, 2017-05-25, 9:40 PM | Message # 13
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Incidentally Bluedrake42 (a decent-sized Youtube channel) has made videos on FHSW in the past. I did see him (or someone pretending to be him) a couple months ago on the Japanese server so perhaps he is still around.
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2017-05-25, 9:58 PM | Message # 14
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He actually also played on our server around 2 years ago:

Although it was a decent amount of new players at that specific event here, almost none of them are left since he has put his eyes on other content.
His team also worked on a "Project Reality"-like mod for BF1942 so I wouldn't expect him to return back to FHSW soon regarding BF42 coverage.

The players who joined our server once would only come back if he shows up again. It's like he is their guiding prophet.

Thankfully his previous videos covering FHSW are really good advertisment that is uploaded on youtube. If you search for "Battlefield 1942 - Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon" on YT you will certainly see his videos way on the front.

Would be cool to get his community at least for an invitational event back on our server. I'm quite sure they would love to play on the newer maps like Fall of Berlin and Leyte day 2.
We could easily reach up to 60 players if that happens.

Edit: iirc Jiang is actually a member of the Drakelings. Maybe he reads this post here (he also has a forum acoount)

Message edited by Xenanab - Thursday, 2017-05-25, 10:06 PM
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