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No cd-key on server (r)
DSLDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 0:46 AM | Message # 1
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Hello I would like to raise the subject REGARDING A no-cdkey on the server would give the more popular the server, and new players do not have to buy specially secondhand games on Amazon, it is also due to dispute the age of the game what you think?
GreenShiftDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 6:52 AM | Message # 2
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I can see the benefit of this however there is no way to ban cheaters or troublemakers effectively. IP addresses can be much more easily changed than cd-keys. So Im not really sure about this. FHSW DOES need more players, maybe this is a way to get it? But Im not sure if this would attract in-desirable people or not.
LampoDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 4:41 PM | Message # 3
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it's an open door for cheaters... I think it's better a server with good players, maybe not a lot of players, than a full server but with cheaters too
happy birthday too, DSL biggrin

Message edited by Lampo - Sunday, 2012-03-18, 4:47 PM
DSLDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 9:48 PM | Message # 4
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It will be better because you can get many new players, and even much bf1942 server uses no-cdkey on their servers which makes them more popular, fhsw mod also needs it
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 9:53 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (Lampo)
it's an open door for cheaters... I think it's better a server with good players, maybe not a lot of players, than a full server but with cheaters too

100 % agree

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
DSLDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-20, 10:02 PM | Message # 6
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cheater is clever, That if he was bought by a bulk cd-keys for him anyway is not a problem, in contrast with the general common players
Santa-AnnaDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 10:03 AM | Message # 7
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It seems to me that the cheater-danger a little bit exaggerated. To whom it may need?
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 12:20 PM | Message # 8
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Despite it's not popular amongst you, I agree partially with DSL. However I WANT TO know server owner's opinion, Stefan1990, say YES or NO, so its gonna be clear!!
GreenShiftDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 6:35 PM | Message # 9
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Well...The worst that can happen is we let a few cheaters on the server. If it becomes problematic we can easily just re-instate CD-key usage. In the event we test this: I would suggest that we wait until right after an event, we dont want to ruin an event with cheaters possibly so if we do it after an event we will have 7 days until next event to test it out in fewer numbers to see if it will have problems or runs smoothly!

If we do this and keep it, it would allow us to give links (completely legitimate links, not piracy at all wink ) to people we know to download the game (by purchasing it of course :p) and play with us without them having to go through the trouble of finding somewhere that still sells it. But lets face it, nobody wants to buy a game thats over 10 years old anymore really, especially if they dont know if they will like it or not. Cheaters and hackers have moved on from this game to newer games where its more fun for them I would imagine (Anyone who plays MW3 online on PC knows what im talking about.....) so maybe were fumbling over a non-existent problem. I would be willing to give it a shot.
DSLDate: Wednesday, 2012-03-21, 9:15 PM | Message # 10
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It is true That cheaters prefer newer games moh mw3 bf3.
no key options will allow you to fhsw was free
RYDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 12:38 PM | Message # 11
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It doesn't look like disabling cd-key check can attract many cheaters to this server... I think that DSL is right about that most cheaters must be in modern games.
And after all, thats what administrators/moderators for -- to ban cheaters. :)
Plus, it is a mod, so ppl will have to go through installing it (which is somehow complicated) to play, and there are only 2 servers - Japanese and this one.

And I'm also think that disabling cd-key check can bring more players, not very many though. It's ain't simple task to google the real cd-key, and there are plenty 'no-cdkey servers'... Plus - this game is 10 years old...

[Drink Sq] RadYogh
GreenShiftDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 2:25 PM | Message # 12
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Nah the hacks often have a quick-change CD-Key script on them, they can do it in seconds with no reinstall required :P Banning anyone becomes significantly more difficult though, cheaters run out of CD-keys eventually but without CD-key hash you must ban using IP address which can be changed and proxied easily. I am unsure whether someone would bother with us enough to make this a significant issue however Pixel-Fighter had a similar issue a few months back, quick change CD-key and a CD-key generator along side a proxy which the person used to continually enter their server and crash it. But thats Pixel-Fighters, they have different players from all different communities that have fallen such as Wolf, HSLAN (douches), TDP, etc who may have some people grumpy about there being only PFC server left instead of theirs so I don't expect a similar situation to happen over here.

Though that does make a point, id someone is really hell bent on screwing with us by cheating, theyre going to do it regardless of whether we do this or not, all it does is make it ever-so-slightly easier for them, instead of being the causing factor IMO
DSLDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 10:13 PM | Message # 13
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The game has 10 years Should Be Free

to attract new players
GreenShiftDate: Friday, 2012-03-23, 11:17 PM | Message # 14
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So now we wait I guess to see what the might Stefan says/does about it *shrug*
mayerDate: Tuesday, 2012-03-27, 6:37 PM | Message # 15
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I think Stefan won't crack the server, i asked him earlier and he wrote that he don't want to interfere with rights which could get him into trouble.
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 12:51 PM | Message # 16
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I'd really like to hear if Stefan has changed his opinion. It's very simple to make it a no key server, it's just a matter of port forwarding: http://bf42.wordpress.com/

You don't have to alter any game files and EA doesn't care anyway. So I don't know how you could get into trouble, especially when so many other servers are cracked, too.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-12-12, 8:01 PM | Message # 17
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That's even more simple

Quote (tuia)
How to easily block connection to master.gamespy.com:29910, so it doesn't check for cd-keys:
1. Download WIPFW. If you use M$-Windows Server 2008 or Vista or 7, get the experimental version.
2. Unzip the package to any folder.
3. Open wipfw.conf file with a text editor (Notepad).
4. Clear all the text and insert this:

 # First flush the firewall rules
     -f flush

     # Block connection to master.gamespy.com:29910
     add deny udp from any to 29910 out

5. Save your file.
6. Run install.cmd.
7. Enjoy! smile
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