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Bombing of the reich change (r)
MannsDate: Thursday, 2012-03-15, 8:18 PM | Message # 1
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Hey Guys, I thought it would be interesting to add the Me262 Pulkzerstörer (the 262 with the 50mm gun) on this map

Because it was thought to be a bomb destroyer, but never had this use on alpenfestung

Would you like that beast on bombing the reich ?

it would spawn very rare, rarer than the normal m262 and would not destroy the balance

how do you think about it ?


honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1

Message edited by Manns - Thursday, 2012-03-15, 8:18 PM
Fritz-KempfDate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 2:39 PM | Message # 2
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Other suggestion. Place the Flettner Kolibri helicopter for spot artillery and place somewhere behind the factory's the Todt bunker with the Todt.
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 8:02 PM | Message # 3
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Yet another me262???

BTW Manns, there is an identical thread already. dry http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/44-153-1
Moreover we got Server Side Modding topic, don't you remember??
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 8:37 PM | Message # 4
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Did u notice the date Mr_J happy ?! Its from march cool

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Mr_JDate: Tuesday, 2012-08-28, 10:49 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (Robert_von_Eberhahn)
Did u notice the date Mr_J happy ?

Haha, uhmn no :P

@Manns: Sorry then wink

@Fritz-Kempf: I'll consider this
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-11-19, 4:56 PM | Message # 6
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What you think about the Messerschmitt Me 323 Me 323E-2WT "Rhino"??? Sounds nice to have this. One fly and all others just shoot. The plane is not easy to destroy (even it is slow and big) and it have powerfull guns! Just fly on altitude 5 or 6 and aim the weapons above to shoot the bombers that fly higher. The Rhino need to be use more!
WRüttgerDate: Monday, 2012-11-19, 5:58 PM | Message # 7
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where is that plane`?
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-11-19, 6:06 PM | Message # 8
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Quote (WRüttger)
where is that plane`?

The only map i know is Supercharge.

Read info @ Wiki
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-11-19, 6:14 PM | Message # 9
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and the dark camouflage excist!

WRüttgerDate: Monday, 2012-11-19, 6:25 PM | Message # 10
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ahh, ok, just say the gunship :-P

it would be really awesome to see it with a player in every seat biggrin
thefhswofasia333Date: Thursday, 2014-03-13, 12:28 PM | Message # 11
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if that 262  had 50 mm cannon, will it destroy the bombers with 2 or 3 shots? or 1?
but the problem with the 262 is that it can easily overshoots. if you are a skilled pilot and equipped with that 50 mm then it would not be a problem.
the 323 is a good idea. only that if all get in the 323, who will take the flaks??? wink
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2014-03-13, 7:36 PM | Message # 12
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It kills fighters with one hit, at Bombers u will need minimum 2 mostly 3 or more hits

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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