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Restart the map on events, with maps that finish very quickl
Do you agree with this?
1. do you think it's a good idea? [ 1 ] [12.50%]
2. Yes [ 3 ] [37.50%]
3. no [ 2 ] [25.00%]
4. Maybe [ 2 ] [25.00%]
Answers total: 8
Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2021-11-28, 10:29 PM | Message # 1
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Awards: 16
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Well my idea is, I think maps that are prone to finish very quickly, like for example today maps like edson rigde and 3th battle of the solomon, could have a restart at least once. Because they are good maps, fun and cool, which sometimes finish in less than 10 minutes. It spoils the fun!

So I think we should restart if the map ends between 15 to 20 minutes because we have twice as much time, 40 minutes per map.

So I think players would like that, because when fun event maps end quickly, their immersion ends. It's not an idea to benefit teams but the community. With more fighting time, people continue to have fun longer.

tongue  smile 

think about it.

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2021-11-30, 7:27 PM | Message # 2
Group: Admins
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I say Yes!
LampoDate: Tuesday, 2021-11-30, 9:09 PM | Message # 3
Donator of 40€
Group: Gold Donator
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in my opinion it would be better to have 3 minutes to place all the players in the positions. For example, pak front, having three minutes to prepare the attack and time for the allies to occupy all the anti-tank positions, would make the game more realistic.

Born-1942Date: Sunday, 2021-12-26, 2:23 PM | Message # 4
Group: Friends
Messages: 339
Awards: 16
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
Quote Lampo ()
in my opinion it would be better to have 3 minutes to place all the players in the positions. For example, pak front, having three minutes to prepare the attack and time for the allies to occupy all the anti-tank positions, would make the game more realistic.

That sounds pretty interesting too!  cool

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
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