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Permission to use a FH/FHSW model
grandsarbresqcDate: Monday, 2020-01-27, 9:15 PM | Message # 1
Group: Recruit
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Hello all, I would like to use the ''AKreuz'' model from FHSW (a railroad crossing signal) in my map. I would imagine the original makers of the model are no longer active, so I am asking this on behalf of the FHSW modding community, since I cannot find any active FH forum: can I use the models in my map, which is part of my Raised Fist mod, and release the map publicly? I intend to give full credit to the original makers of the model if they agree that it can be used in my map.

If not, I will use another model from XPack2. Here is a picture of the model:

Message edited by grandsarbresqc - Monday, 2020-01-27, 9:18 PM
bubuDate: Saturday, 2020-02-01, 6:28 PM | Message # 2
Group: Admins
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Welcome to forum smile

Not sure - the original makers of the mod are active though, but are in Japan: https://twitter.com/fhswman (his twitter). You can try to message him but I doubt he will reply.

I reckon that maybe if you use it and give credit to the modders, nothing bad will happen? But please don't take this as a guideline from me, just best guess.

I doubt other people here know, Trolli? E3?
grandsarbresqcDate: Sunday, 2020-02-02, 8:48 AM | Message # 3
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
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Status: Offline
Thanks bubu.

What if I were to exchange an equivalent model from my mod to FHSW, as a gesture of good faith?

That way I can show that I am not just taking content from another mod (which I hate doing), but also willing to provide a model from my own mod if FHSW needs it.

A variation of this model exchange policy is used by BG42 devs when they exchange models from their mod to another.
bubuDate: Sunday, 2020-02-02, 1:11 PM | Message # 4
Group: Admins
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Sure, If it is up to me - use the model biggrin

However, I cannot provide yes/no answer as I am not modder at all, and likewise aren't many players here. Your best chance is to try to contact the FHSWMan over Twitter ^^
grandsarbresqcDate: Monday, 2020-03-09, 9:58 PM | Message # 5
Group: Recruit
Messages: 8
Awards: 1
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Status: Offline

Does he understand English? I'll try to send him a message but I don't have a Twitter account and would prefer contacting him elsewhere, like here on the forums if he has an account. I'll look for an alternate way to contact him.

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