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FHSW Standardmeshes in Ed42 (m)
geclepramiDate: Saturday, 2019-04-06, 2:15 PM | Message # 1
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
I'd like to use certain statics from FHSW in a new map but somehow they
don't show up in Ed42 (just as grey boxes). These objects are part of
the FHSW install, not some custom objects packed with the map (think
e.g. the factory buildings on the central hill in FHT Kohima). Other
statics (all the vanilla + FH ones) work without problems.

Now I've looked around a bit, and found 2 things:

- The meshes of the vanilla bf42 trees are not all displayed by default,
but I fixed this by downloading the converted treemeshes which fo0k
uploaded at https://u.to/x7sQFQ This solves
*that* issue but it's a bit puzzling since they don't show up on their
own? (I setup Ed42 correctly, unpacked all the mods -- vanilla, xpack
1&2, fh, fhs)

- I've read here in a thread that the objects.rfa structure has changed
in FHSW 0.5, and there is a (dead) download link for the correctly
unpacked objects. (Someone wrote they come with the FHSW installer
themselves, but I just checked that one again and I don't see them.
Also, even if they were available, I'm not sure if using the 0.5 meshes
with 0.61 would work?

Did anybody get this to run?


Edit: OK to make this more precise:

The static "o_buildbigdemo02" is not displayed in the editor;
but I have the standardmeshes + texutres extracted in the correct folder, though:








I noticed that the meshes/textures don't share the same exact name, which is probably the issue here?


Message edited by gecleprami - Saturday, 2019-04-06, 2:40 PM
akari1121aADate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 0:20 AM | Message # 2
Group: Trusted
Messages: 8
Awards: 3
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
The question is how to display things that are not displayed on ED42?
It will be displayed if you unzip [noncompressed_objects.rfa] in FHSW061Client folder with winrfa etc.

Message edited by akari1121aA - Friday, 2019-04-19, 0:21 AM
geclepramiDate: Friday, 2019-04-19, 9:01 PM | Message # 3
Group: Trusted
Messages: 45
Awards: 3
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
YES! I did not see this file before (apparently it's not in the installer linked here?) but I just downloaded it from the FHSW dev blog.

Now everything works, no more grey boxes. Awesome, thank you!

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