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Questions abot map making (m)
kukimuki1234Date: Saturday, 2017-04-29, 12:43 PM | Message # 1
Group: Trusted
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What to add there?

(And,i would like to became this page admin,coz I learned HTML,almost CSS and soon I will start to learn Javscript,but I guess this web site have Graphic Editor)(And I visit this page every 1 hour brows ),

Added (2017-04-29, 8:16 AM)
And how to open an already made map,like mimoyeques

Added (2017-04-29, 11:43 AM)
I think everyone is ignoring me right now. bash

Message edited by kukimuki1234 - Saturday, 2017-04-29, 7:49 AM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2017-04-29, 2:12 PM | Message # 2
Lieutenant General
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you just place ur thread in the right forum, so now dont be shy go ahead and browse this forum and the Internet for further answers.
If u are serious u will find at least some answers to ur questions, good luck!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
mardukDate: Saturday, 2017-04-29, 2:22 PM | Message # 3
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@Robert: lol you are right!

@Kukimuki: ok this time I help u a little but next time open your eyes, as Robert said.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Saturday, 2017-04-29, 2:30 PM | Message # 4
Group: Silver Donator
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First of all thanks for having interest in mapping.
Would you like to explain what you want to do exactly? Making a new map or making a conversion of an already existing map?

Anyway you need Editor 42 (that you have already seem to have downloaded) and now you have to create a dev folder with all the extracted content that is needed to make the Editor work with FHSW stuff.

Everything you need to know about setting up ED42 is explained here:
Setting up and using Editor 42

One very important thing is that you must do everything in order as he explains there.

Don't forget that after bf1942 is extracted you then better proceed to XPack1 then XPack2 then FH then FHSW content. Also keep in mind how to handle the 001.rfa update files as the tutorial also explains.
If you want to open a map you have to extract the content (of course of ALL different mod versions and iterations!) in order after your dev folder is complete. Then opening it with ED42 will work. Better test it out with A_Day_of_Zitadelle for example.

In the tutorial he recommends to use WinRFA. A much better program for extracting map files is BGA (The Battlefield 1942 Game Archive Tool) and I think every existing mapper for BF42 would recommend that too instead.
You can get it here: BGA Project

Another advice is definitely this very useful list of nice tools and extras that the guys at bfmods.com have collected: BF1942 mod tools
The converted treemeshes are very handy! I can recommend that from there.

I don't know how good your computer is but because FHSW is such a huge pile of data the Editor tends to stutter when displaying many objects and meshes on the screen at once.
You can help the situation by reducing the object render distance in Editor 42s init.con file (located inside ED42s installation folder). Open it with Wordpad or Editor (or any other program you prefer) and adjust the following line of code there:

editor.display.objectMaxDistance 70

Just decrease this value as you desire. For my computer 70 is actually comfortable.

First get these things running then I answer you more questions.
sonikglightDate: Saturday, 2017-05-06, 1:42 AM | Message # 5
Group: Recruit
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I found Battlecraft  it's easy to use for me but, I don't think there is a working file on forgotten hope secret weapons with battlecraft.

If someone can make a working file I can pump out some maps.

I have this tutorial that was made for me by a friend from Spain but anyone can use it too, this video is like an index to a book, try it out.

You will see mainly outdated forgotten hope one stuff but it's an ideal

Also you can use Battlecraft  then convert it to Editor 42 then add the vehicles and such.

sonik9speed aka Winbean aka Winlite

Message edited by sonikglight - Saturday, 2017-05-06, 1:56 AM
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