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Mapping Project: Sevastopol 1942 (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2016-01-31, 5:12 PM | Message # 1
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for my next project I'd like to create a map because I think there are enough good modellers out there but only very few mappers. I picked the attack on Sevastopol 1942 because

  • I don't think it has been featured in any FPS yet
  • it's a very unique battle with a lot of artillery used on both sides and almost no tanks, almost feels like WWI
  • some "Secret Weapons" took part in it, i. e. Karl Gerät

    More specifically I want to recreate the battles around "Bastion I" and "Maxim Gorki I" north of Sevastopol carried by the 213th IR.

    Germans will start at the top right with a lot of artillery, from Nebelwerfer to Karl. Russians spawn in the strong defensive line around Bastion and Maxim Gorki with countless small bunkers, trenches and MG nests.

    For the map I started with doing a lot of research on the battle, then I created the heightmap (hills & valleys) and currently I'm creating/placing some of the required static objects. Here are the turrets of Maxim Gorki I (texture is very WIP):

    Armor: 200 to 300 mm
    Guns: 305 mm

    I want to document my progress to hopefully keep me motivated for this long term project. As soon as possible I want to create a playable version, probably without finished textures just to see if it's even fun to play such a map.

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    slobodanDate: Sunday, 2016-01-31, 5:23 PM | Message # 2
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    Heavy artillery, your armored train and Karl Gerart - it's going to be awesome map!  yahoo

    Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2016-01-31, 6:42 PM | Message # 3
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    My armored train sadly doesn't fit here but if someone wants to create the Dora this is the right map. tongue Ok it would spawn a bit too close maybe.

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    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2016-01-31, 7:49 PM | Message # 4
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    looks amazing!!! Thumbs up for work and finidh it thumb respect !!!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2016-01-31, 10:01 PM | Message # 5
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    This is a great overtaking! Good luck finishing it!
    Btw, it reminds me of playing Sevastopol campaign in Blietzkrieg 2.

    I came up with an idea after I posted this:
    There were several coastal batteries consisting of 130mm B-7 and B-13 guns near Sevastopol. One such (No. 115) was located south to the "Mekenzijevi Hory" (Мекензиевы горы) railroad station, approx. 4km from Maxim Gorky battery. As B-13 is only used on broken Alaska and Simusyu-To, I thought it would be nice to implement it somehow in the map, e.q. in the form of remote artillery battery, just like 155mm gun batteries on Desert Rose.

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Sunday, 2016-01-31, 10:03 PM
    Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2016-02-01, 4:54 PM | Message # 6
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    Quote RADIOSMERSH ()
    There were several coastal batteries consisting of 130mm B-7 and B-13 guns near Sevastopol. One such (No. 115) was located south to the "Mekenzijevi Hory" (Мекензиевы горы) railroad station, approx. 4km from Maxim Gorky battery. As B-13 is only used on broken Alaska and Simusyu-To, I thought it would be nice to implement it somehow in the map, e.q. in the form of remote artillery battery, just like 155mm gun batteries on Desert Rose.

    Yup I saw that in multiple books I've read and immediately thought about using the guns from Alaska.

    I also found this amazing website with tons of information about Battery 30 (Maxim Gorki I) and 35 (Maxim Gorki II): http://bellabs.ru/30-35/
    I might ask you sometimes to translate a couple of sentences if Google Translator fails me. I hope that's ok. wink

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    mardukDate: Tuesday, 2016-02-02, 9:00 AM | Message # 7
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    Nice smile I like to attack those bunkers with a flamethrower :D

    @Endless: what about adding some objectives (Russian artillery batteries/bunkers) that the Germans have to destroy with their own artillery before they can attack? This way you could avoid a chaotic attack of German troops that prevents a usefull artillery engagement beforehand.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Santa-AnnaDate: Tuesday, 2016-02-02, 4:14 PM | Message # 8
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    New maps - it's always good. Thank you! smile
    Stefan1990Date: Tuesday, 2016-02-02, 5:19 PM | Message # 9
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    new maps are always good! i think we need more small inf maps with 1 or 2 light armored vehicles.
    Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 10:05 AM | Message # 10
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    Below the turrets is a bunker complex which houses fire control, ammo and crew. It was very advanced for its time, the reloading was semi-automatic and it had its own power generators, water supply etc.

    There will probably be a flag you have to defend/capture. I'm also experimenting with lighting at the moment, something which is not often done in BF1942 although it's relatively easy to do and it makes everything look a lot more natural. Especially FHSW mappers often don't add lighting to their maps which results in a cold and boring look.

    Here's the ammo room for example, for the first test I won't add many details and the textures are also temporary (as always).

    @Radiosmersh: Do you happen to know how they coloured the 305 mm shells for coastal batteries?

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    XenanabDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 11:30 AM | Message # 11
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    Awesome! I also thought about adding some of these light effects to Ocean Town... Hm, but I might have another use for that :D

    Looking forward to further results!
    RADIOSMERSHDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 2:55 PM | Message # 12
    FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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    Wow, that's awesome! Keep it up!

    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    @Radiosmersh: Do you happen to know how they coloured the 305 mm shells for coastal batteries?

    I haven't found much text info about that (maybe there is some in navy manuals, but those are quite hard to find), but a bunch of photos from museums:

    And some shell replicas from Maxim Gorky fort itself:

    And some wartime photos:

    Maxim Gorky battery:

    Two Baltic fleet sailors transporting shells for 305 mm railroad gun at Krasnaya Gorka fort:

    Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Saturday, 2016-02-13, 7:04 PM
    Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-02-13, 7:21 PM | Message # 13
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    Thanks. I actually used that same exact photo from the museum as reference for my texture. :)
    I think the black ones are only training rounds so I'll stay with the olive texture.

    Quote Xenanab ()
    Hm, but I might have another use for that :D

    Ok, I'd like to hear. biggrin

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    grandsarbresqcDate: Friday, 2017-12-15, 5:28 PM | Message # 14
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    Oh this looks so cool. Any update on the project?
    Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2017-12-17, 10:12 AM | Message # 15
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    Not much has changed sadly, I started adding the trenches but there's always too much other RL work to do. I still would love to continue though.

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    bubuDate: Sunday, 2017-12-17, 4:18 PM | Message # 16
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    You have my support biggrin PM/email me if you need to test anything smile
    Stefan1990Date: Thursday, 2020-04-09, 11:28 AM | Message # 17
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    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    Not much has changed sadly, I started adding the trenches but there's always too much other RL work to do. I still would love to continue though.
    bag sry for digging out this thred. Any News?
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