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Polish Mappack (m)
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-08-12, 11:58 AM | Message # 1
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Guys from PFT clan are hard working on special, custom historical mappack for both FH and FHSW. They would like to lay them out to our community up to September event.

First one: Battle of Grodno. The scenario is similiar to the one from Ramelle Nouville map. The difference is that it recreates a soviet armoured invasion of polish town Grodno (Belarus' territory today). A Suprising fact is that up to date, many people do not realise that Soviets invaded Poland in paralel with Whermacht. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Grodno_%281939%29
Wizna and Westerplatte maps are under development too, which are going to feature moving armoured train!

Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2012-08-12, 12:14 PM | Message # 2
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Yeah!!! nice work! sure we can make a mappack event!
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2012-08-12, 1:47 PM | Message # 3
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Pretty nice stuff! Would be a nice event and I will be happy to participate!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2012-08-12, 2:46 PM | Message # 4
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Wow, awesome! surprised Count me in!

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Maksio(PL)Date: Wednesday, 2012-08-15, 11:58 PM | Message # 5
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The armoured train called "Śmiały" ("Brave" or "Bold") will be on the Battle of Mokra bye
MannsDate: Thursday, 2012-08-16, 4:10 AM | Message # 6
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many 14TP and 7TP
some PzIIsflc with 50mmPak39
and amount of polish bombers wink

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Fritz-KempfDate: Friday, 2012-08-17, 7:07 PM | Message # 7
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Don't forget the French FT-17's in Polish service!
Maksio(PL)Date: Saturday, 2012-08-18, 6:28 PM | Message # 8
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We do these maps with historical accuracy so Poles will not have tanks on those battles. Polish army will have only 2 tankettes on the Mokra.
mardukDate: Monday, 2012-08-20, 1:38 PM | Message # 9
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Looks really nice. Looking forward to play those maps smile

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-08-20, 1:56 PM | Message # 10
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Quote (Maksio(PL))
We do these maps with historical accuracy so Poles will not have tanks on those battles. Polish army will have only 2 tankettes on the Mokra.

Ok, fine i love that. But Historical can destroy the gameplay and make tha map possible unbalanced and have no fun. So, keep your mind on that. Because i know about mapping.
bubuDate: Saturday, 2019-10-05, 3:06 PM | Message # 11
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Any update on this after 7 years? biggrin
Born-1942Date: Tuesday, 2020-01-14, 8:52 PM | Message # 12
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Quote bubu ()
Any update on this after 7 years?

Waiting for someone to answer bubu.... zzzzzzzzzzzz  :\'(  angry  yes  bangin

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
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