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jesseperraro89Date: Thursday, 2017-09-14, 5:50 AM | Message # 1
Group: Recruit
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Hello, I am new here in the forum although I have already played the Battlefield 1942 saga more accurately the FH and the FHSW. I was analyzing some maps of you and the weapons with regard to aviation-related target missions, I currently see in the scenario of new games internationally where companies and sponsors are working with reference in aviation like the war thunder, based on that game I come to you creating this topic what do you think of having a mod in BF 1942 more precisely linked to the FHSW team on aviation bombing factories and military refinery oil and fuel targets, city bombing, air battles and aerial battles a mod only on that subject

CanukAttakDate: Thursday, 2017-09-14, 10:23 AM | Message # 2
Group: Friends
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I Like the idea, but from experience you only have a selected group of people who like flying all the time, even with objectives. If it was possible to be able to have air map, but with a ground attack as well. It's kind of a tricky situation.
Born-1942Date: Saturday, 2017-09-16, 0:14 AM | Message # 3
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it would be interesting that

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
jesseperraro89Date: Saturday, 2017-09-16, 2:19 AM | Message # 4
Group: Recruit
Messages: 5
Awards: 1
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Status: Offline
My suggestion on the maps would be Like this

Western Europe front

Battle of Britan - 1940
Battle of Britain Day 2 - 1941
Bomber of Omha Beach - 1943
Bomber of Omha Beach Day 2 - 1944
Bombing the Bocage - 1943
Bombing the Bocage Day 2 - 1944
Bomber on Marquet Garden - 1944
Operation in Ardennes - 1944
Bombing the Caen -1944
Bombing the Reich - 1943
Bombing the Reich Day 2 - 1943
Bombing the Reich - 1944
Bombing the Reich Day 2 - 1944
Bombing the Reich - 1945
Bombing the Reich Day 2 - 1945
Bombing the Berlin - 1943
Bombing the Berlin Day 2 1943
Bombing the Berlin - 1944
Bombing the Berlin Day 2 1944
Bombing the Berlin - 1945
Bombing the Berlin Day 2 1945

Eastern European front

Bomber in Satalingrado - 1942
Bomber in Stalingrad Day 2 - 1943
Incursion in Kusrk -1943
Defense in Kusrk - 1943
Attack on Kharkov - 1943
Counter attack in Kharkov - 1943
Bombing the Berlin 1945
Defense the Berlin 1945
Bombing the Reich - 1945

Mediterraneo front talia and northern africa

Attack on Tobruk -1941
Attack on Tobruk Day 2 -1941
Bomber in El Alamein - 1942
Bomber in Gazala - 1942
Incursion in Aberdeen - 1942

Bomber the Roma - 1942
Bomber the Roma - 1943
Counter attack on Rome - 1943
Defense in Rome - 1944
Bombing the Rome - 1944

Pacific War Front

Attack on Pearl Harbor - 1941
Battle of Off Malay - 1941
Wake Attack - 1942
Bomber in Philippines - 1942
Operation Dolittle - 1942
Bomber the GuadalCanal - 1942
Coral sea - 1942
Coral sea Day 2 - 1942
Battle of Midway - 1942
Battle of Bougainville - 1943
Operation A - 1944
Battle of Leyte Gulf - 1944
Battle of Leyte Gulf Day 2 - 1944
Counterattack in Philippines - 1944
Bomber in Philippines - 1945
Bomber the Iwo Jima - 1945
Operation Kikusui day1 - 1945
Operation Kikusui day2 - 1945
Bombing the Tokyo - 1944
Bombing the Tokio Day 2 - 1945

This is just an example of how it would look like this mod even has other maps that I did not cite above that could be present in the mod, This mod would not only be in matters of destroying factories and ships but also destroy targets like airstrips airplanes, fuel refineries, artillery pieces and cannons, tanks, Bankers civil cities and destruction of trains of war in railways, some maps also in aerial battles the maps of the pacifico depending on the map could even be possible to fly ships like Midway
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