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Flying Boats (petition) (r)
Do you want to see the seaplane bombers like described in the opening post?
1. Ja [ 12 ] [92.31%]
2. No [ 1 ] [7.69%]
Answers total: 13
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2014-12-07, 11:00 AM | Message # 1
FHSW Wikia Admin
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Hi all!

We have a lot of types of aircrafts. Fighters, dive bombers, bombers, fighter bombers, torpedo bombers, recce aircrafts, seaplanes, transport aircrafts, gliders, interceptors, jet fighter aircrafts, jet bombers, helicopters etc....

There is one type of aircraft still missing in FHSW and we don't see his debut! There is a debut of it in a FH Map, from a clan wich i have forget the name ...... wink Possible not a very popular, important and succesfull clan wink ;) wink ;) and that is the Consolidated PBY Catalina, a flying boat equiped with machineguns and bombs.

My idea is that every country is fighting on the sea, equip with a flying boat type. So they can take off and land on sea during battles. Some perfect maps are RheinuebungMonster des StahlesBombing the Reich 1945Guadalcanal and many more.

When flying boats need repairs on the engine, they land on water and the crew climb on the wings. So they can repair the engines. My idea is, when you land on water to repair your aircraft, you bail out the aircraft and stand on the wings. So you can stand on the wings, while floating on sea, and do your repair jobs.

Nearly each FHSW nation can be equiped with atleast one type of flying Boat. Below, is my suggestion. Why i do this not in the suggestion topic? I want to bring this to the FHSW dev team and i hope they answer the question on this recall.

My suggestion of aircrafts

slobodanDate: Sunday, 2014-12-07, 4:13 PM | Message # 2
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We already have flying boats  biggrin
Look at this screenshots:

This one is EPIC:  gunsmilie

but now seriously...
Yeh, we need those flying boats from your list.
Btw I saw some models on franks twitter.

wewakDate: Wednesday, 2014-12-10, 2:02 AM | Message # 3
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A PBY Catalina would be awesome. I saw one that is still flying at an air show a few years back.
punisherDate: Saturday, 2014-12-13, 5:30 PM | Message # 4
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and some other allied rare flying boats such as:

Consolidated P2Y Ranger 1932 (two engined)

Boeing 306 flying boat 1935 (four engined project)

Boeing 6D, B-1D 1928

Keystone-Loening K-85 Airyacht 1931

Hall PH-3 1938 (two engined)

Ireland N-2B 1927

Sikorsky S-38 1928 (two engined)

Sikorsky S-40 1930 (four engined)

Blackburn RB.3 1933 (three engined)

Short S.17 1931 (four engined)

Supermarine Stranraer 1934 (two engined)

Fauvel flying boat 1938 (two engined project)

Delanne 70 1939 (six engined project)

Mikhelson Nikitin MU-4 1936

"....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

"this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


punisherDate: Saturday, 2014-12-13, 5:44 PM | Message # 5
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and some other axis rare flying boats such as:

Kawanishi E10K1 1934

Rumpler flying boat 1929 (ten engined project)

Heinkel He-220 1939 (four engined project)

Weser Flugzeugbau P.2136 and Weser Flugzeugbau P.2138 (six engined and four engined project)

Blohm & Voss BV P.144 1944 (four engined project)

Dornier Do P.174, Do 216 1943 (six engined project)

Dornier Do P.192, Do 214 1941 (eight engined project)

Dornier Do X 1929 (twelve engined, it was considered as the largest flying boat in the world and remained so until world war two)

"....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

"this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


punisherDate: Saturday, 2016-08-20, 9:34 PM | Message # 6
Group: Blocked
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imageshack has failed so have to send the images again

Fauvel flying boat 1938 (two engined project)

Delanne 70 1939 (six engined project)

Kawanishi E10K1 1934

Mikhelson Nikitin MU-4 1936

"....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

"this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!



Message edited by punisher - Saturday, 2016-08-20, 9:38 PM
punisherDate: Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 9:36 PM | Message # 7
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Kawanishi K-200 1945 (six jet engined project)

Kawanishi KX-3 1943 (sixteen jet propeller engined project)

"....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

"this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!



Message edited by punisher - Wednesday, 2018-09-05, 10:55 PM
punisherDate: Thursday, 2018-09-06, 9:51 PM | Message # 8
Group: Blocked
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imageshack has failed so have to send the images again

Rumpler Flying boat 1928 (ten engined project)

Heinkel He-220 1939 (four engined project)

Weser Flugzeugbau P.2136 and Weser Flugzeugbau P.2138 (six engined and four engined project)

Blohm & Voss BV P.144 1944 (four engined project)

Dornier Do P.174, Do 216 1943 (six engined project)

Dornier Do P.192, Do 214 1941 (eight engined project)

Dornier Do X 1928 (twelve engined)

"....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

"this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!



Message edited by punisher - Thursday, 2018-09-06, 9:52 PM
XenanabDate: Thursday, 2018-09-06, 10:20 PM | Message # 9
Group: Silver Donator
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Quote punisher ()
imageshack has failed so have to send the images again

You dont have to do anything here. We warned you several times to not spam our forum with your absolutely useless photos. Please stop it !
mardukDate: Friday, 2018-09-07, 11:58 AM | Message # 10
Group: Admins
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I like those latest flying boats pics smile
But apart from that I don't see the point in this thread.
Thread closed.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
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