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Aviation (r)
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 2:20 AM | Message # 1
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Hi guys. Sorry for the poor language skills. Theme that I want to raise - a tactic and apply aviation FHSW.

Topic One: "top-mast" bombing (the term in Russian aviation), I do not know how it is written in English. In fashion it is possible in this way to attack ships. Here's an example on the video (watch from 8:15) just another found no
in the game bombs, which may throw off this way are marked with a special icon
in reality, such a bomb hit the ship was often fatal. But this method was practiced only by the lack of AA resistance, mass attack, otherwise the aircraft was simply not reach the object. At the last segment of the flight, he represented a good target. Fuses on the bombs were exposed to the slowdown, that the aircraft was able to escape to a safe distance.
Applies if any of you this attack?

Message edited by Vano - Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 3:04 PM
mayerDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 1:57 PM | Message # 2
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не представляется возможным для просмотра в Германии sad
он говорит Нарушение авторского права в WMG, UMG и EMI.
It's not possible to view the video in Germany sad
It says Copyright infringement of WMG, UMG and EMI.
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 2:23 PM | Message # 3
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try to download here

Message edited by Vano - Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 2:40 PM
mayerDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 4:37 PM | Message # 4
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btw. nice IL2-video biggrin
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 4:56 PM | Message # 5
Group: Bronze Donator
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Another interesting:
DegtarevDate: Wednesday, 2011-03-30, 5:26 PM | Message # 6
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nice videos


I don't use this method very often, because it makes not more damage than a normal dive-bombing attack and the bombs often just skip over the target or even hit my own plane wacko All in All i have not a very high chance of survival, if the aa is manned.
Я не использую этот метод очень часто, потому что это делает не больше вреда, чем нормальные атаки пикирующих бомбардировщиков и бомб часто просто пропустить над целью или даже ударил мою собственную% плоскости) В целом я не очень высокий шанс на выживание, если А. А. укомплектована.

ElVueloDate: Thursday, 2011-03-31, 9:32 AM | Message # 7
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I want to learn, force down the plane from an anti-tank gun =)))) And that constant domination of aircraft and frequent to dare from it, irritates =) a little

Я хочу научиться, сбивать самолёт из противотанкового ружья =)))) А то постоянное доминирование авиации и частая сметь от неё, немного нервирует =)

VanoDate: Sunday, 2011-04-03, 4:14 PM | Message # 8
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I hope you will understand my next scribbling smile :

Video one is a good guide for organizing the event FHT, if it is held on the basis FHSW. I mean the map bombardment Reich - 45.
I want to remind that many maps are designed for a larger number of players than the capacity of the server. I counted: to equip efficiently manned all Allied aircraft and ships, you need 110 people! But it is provided that two people are in a rescue service for lifting the downed pilots, and two more are on duty at the self-propelled AA, on the edge of consciousness coast. But it's unattainable (
Based on the fact that the maximum number of participants on each side of 32, I suggest the following organization of the Allied Aviation, which can be Var. 1 (American), and Var. 2 (UK).

Var. 1:
- "Shock (Bomber) Group" consists of one B-40 and three B-17. It would be great if the creators of fashion, added to the B-17 bomber on sight as Lancaster and working altmetr when the bomb-sight. It would be possible after the time of practice to jettison from the height of 6-7, not sinking low, thus avoiding the mass AA-injury. For the B-17 that would be important, because it has a good defense gunners-bottom. But this is not, therefore, Flying Fortress will strike as before, with a low altitude. The crew of each bomber - one pilot and three hands, which are able to repair your plane in flight.

- "Group escort bombers" consists of two pairs of fighters. Fighters must fly in pairs: the leading - slave. Fighter cover necessary to take a position: one pair - ahead of strike aircraft, the second behind the B-17. Can not be torn away, it is desirable to adjust the speed so that it matches the speed of bombers. The task of the front - frontal attack interceptor problem back - firing aircraft entering from the rear hemisphere. Ahead is a pair of P-51D, with at 6 X 12,7mm gun with good ammo and having a small cross section, which will help them opportunities in repelling attacks from the front. Behind a pair of P-38, having 4 X 12,7mm machine guns and cannon 1 X 20mm, all aircraft artillery battery is concentrated at the front of that facilitates accurate and powerful shooting at targets in flying angles 0 / 4 and 1 / 4 (see illustration).

- Significantly ahead of the strike group, operates a "group clearance". Her job forge hooks enemy air fight. The group consists of a pair of P-47 armed with 8 X 12,7mm guns, which allow air to maneuver fight sozdovat greater density of fire from the perspective of 2 / 4, 3 / 4, 4 / 4. P-47 has good flight characteristics. The group also includes a pair of XP-72, where one of the planes has 4 X 37mm guns. This aircraft is the leader of the pair and his second task will be to attack twin-engined interceptor Luftwaffe. XP-72 fighter jet that is best for Americans.

- At an extremely low altitude and slightly ahead of the strike group is "a group of suppressing AA". It consists of two A-26. Its major task will be to suppress anti-aircraft cannon 88mm, 128mm. With one call a pair of A-26 can completely destroy anti-aircraft tower. Enough to attack one western 128mm gun, and one east 128mm cannon to fully neutralize tower. Group covers a pair of P-51H. Group is at low altitude, under the shock group, and therefore has the ability to detect active AA, firing at the bombers.

Message edited by Vano - Sunday, 2011-04-03, 4:32 PM
VanoDate: Sunday, 2011-04-03, 4:55 PM | Message # 9
Group: Bronze Donator
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Strike Group consists of the Lancasters. In the absence of fire protection in the lower hemisphere and a high speed, they would be more logical to use at low altitude. The group includes two couples escort fighter Spitfire Mk Vd and Mk IXc. They act similar to U.S. counterparts. The group includes the clearing of only two Spitfire Mk 22. These planes are great and the two best pilots they can greatly distract from the bomber interceptor. Group suppress AA consists of a pair and a pair of Typhoon and Hurricane Mk IId. The aircraft fighter escort is not needed. They can take care of themselves. The main difference from the American option is the use of the fleet. Ships should approach the German coast after the sinking of Tirpitz. They will be able to create over the area of the bombing of a good umbrella AA. The destroyers would protect the aircraft carrier from submarines and torpedo boats. With the carrier in case of need could rise 2 fighter and 2 anti u-boot Swordfish.

In both cases, the need for 32 people.
I ask all pilots to comment on the proposal ...

Message edited by Vano - Sunday, 2011-04-03, 4:57 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2011-04-03, 7:13 PM | Message # 10
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That is nice planned and organized but I think in the heat of battle everything comes different ...

The only thing I would never do is to enchain the fighters to the bombers. Both sides try so in Worldwar 2 and pay high prices in blood to learn that the fighters always give the command "free hunt". That don´t mean they have no communication with the bombers and can hurry to help them. By all means they can patrol a great circle around the bombers to preserve the most important advantage of a fighter: it´s speed. If they loose speed, advantage is gone they can´t take advantage of attack or retreat they always have to react up to the action of the enemy fighter if he is faster.
I know that my favorite tactics can´t be used 1:1 ingame because the space in FHSW is much smaller and the game itself much faster than in real life but I want to say that.

My tactic for the german side would be related to Vano´s. Fighters always in groups (in Jagdfliegerlanguage calles Rottenführer und sein Katschmarek wink ) or perhaps in a group of 4, think that would be better and the communication must be organized very exact. I would try that in Teamspeak in a few train sessions. 1 Teamspeakchannel: 4 Fighterpilots and 1 or 2 pilots in heavy fighters (so for the german side). Otherwise only the fighters in a channel and the heavy fighters in an other. That would indicate experience of train sessions.
A main dot of my tactic would bee to engage the enemy at the most wide distance from german coast!!!
That thing Vano said, with the rescue team who pic up bailed piots sounds very nice and there is a beautiful story of a german Hauptfeldwebel or so who was leader of a rescuegroup in Afrika and they are always in duty to pic up german pilots who make a crashlanding far in the desert or where forced to bail a damaged plane. He was called by the nickname "Vater der Störche"<-- Father of the Storks. Named after the planes they flew. It´s likewise the Piper cup. Has very slow landing speed, very small startdistance and could land/start at very rough terain because of great deflection of it´s landing gear.
But unfortunatly in FHSW it is better to die and spawn fast as possible to be airborne in the smallest time possible. Ingame life is only a point and no one will spend the time for realistic role playing sad ...

Best regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 7:34 PM | Message # 11
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Guys, I was looking for video on the Battle of Britain, and happened to see videos made ​​by a talented virtual pilot Barfly. If the links do not work, I will find others.

1. Battle of Britain v2.0 by Barfly - 2009 Il-2 1946

2. User made movie form Barfly playing IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover for PC

Message edited by Vano - Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 7:37 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 9:43 PM | Message # 12
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I have never played Il-2 because it's not my type of game but it looks like Barfly put a lot of work into these videos. I'm really impressed by the sound in the first one and the graphics in the second video. Is everything that we see in the videos ingame sounds/graphics?

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 10:05 PM | Message # 13
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Great videos! Thanks for posting!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 10:38 PM | Message # 14
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Good videos, thanks. Do you play IL2 online? I tried to several times but without any luck in dogfights, I couldn't shot down anything, bah even getting on one's six o'clock was impossible for me. Somehow they were faster and stall-proof always. Therefore I prefered objective maps where bombers were available; Despite that nobody wanted to fly with me, I was hitting ground flaks sometimes.
VanoDate: Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 11:11 PM | Message # 15
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The first video is used not the original IL-2. IL-2 1946 is mod AAA, which includes many small modifications including modified sound effects. But much of the effect of adding the author.
The second video is really existing in-game graphics. But such a result can be achieved only powerful computers. Barfly was able to animate the pilots and make beautiful angles, thanks to video editor.

I started to fly in the IL-2 recently. The successes of Robert, Pum, Mr J - forced me to reconsider their knowledge of aviation. Now, studying to fly in the IL-2. I'm sure you noticed, my rare visits to FHSW. But I promise - this is temporary. Simulator requires a lot of time-consuming. I'm learning to fly in two different versions of IL-2:
1.2 - Version Sturmovik 2001
4.11 - new patch 1946 2012
While flying is bad, but the progress is noticeable. If you can write to the address of your server. Let's fly together. Before the game, let us enter the TS. Let us discuss the simple commands for communication and interaction. It is possible for us to join Santa-Anna.

Message edited by Vano - Wednesday, 2012-02-08, 11:32 PM
Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2012-02-09, 8:14 PM | Message # 16
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I will consider joining you; sadly my IL2 is moded with UltraPack3 that uses a 4.10m patch

The successes of Robert, Pum, Mr J - forced me to reconsider their knowledge of aviation.

Succes? What are you talking about Vano? :P I have pretended to be a good pilot but it failed eventually :P
In my opinion Robert is the lider at the moment. And Pum, yeah he does really well as for "Keyboard&Mouse" flying smile
VanoDate: Saturday, 2012-02-11, 1:11 PM | Message # 17
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Try to transfer the game folder to another location and install the game again to version 4.11. Then you will have two version Il-2 4.10 UP3 and 4.11.
Robert - the absolute leader in the sky. respect I began to notice that due to the lack of equal opponents, he is now bored to fly and now fighting on the ground.
See another video, it appears that in Il-2 is an aerobatic team!

Message edited by Vano - Saturday, 2012-02-11, 1:18 PM
Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2012-02-12, 3:46 PM | Message # 18
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wow! awesome Aerobatic Team! surprised
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2012-02-24, 1:00 AM | Message # 19
Lieutenant General
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The Aeoronautics are awesome !!!

Thank you for the honor you give me!!!

I read a few books about pilots and their tactics, and sure I learned many things but at last there is only one thing where u learn to be a good pilot and thats practice, practice and practice again.
I´m not shure if flying in IL 2 automaticaly will improve your skill in FHSW because of Simulation (IL2) and Arcade (FHSW) wacko In FHSW the space is so much smaller and the Gameplay itself so much faster than in IL 2 ... In FHSW u can pull and push the Joystick like a sick Idiot and u wont stall anyway wacko !
I played IL 2 a few times with some friends and got some success in shooting down enemy fighters but it´s such a hard job, puuuuh! And u can´t implement the tactics from IL2 in FHSW and the advantages from the planes in IL2 or real are useless or worse are changing in disadvantages in FHSW because of the smaler space and faster gameplay.
I remember one lesson that MR_J gave me 10 month or so ago on Kasserine pass where we fly against each other, he with P40 and me with ME 109 and he shoot me down several times and I was really despaired and surprised because I had read different things about the confrontation of the two planes. I tryed to adjust my tactic against P 40 in using the advantage in speed and climbing ability to be always in position of initiative acting ... but the map was to small dry . I never bring it to enough space between me and J that I can get in advantage shooting position and the difference in speed between P40 and ME 109 was there but not enough to escape out of range of sight so he could allways slip behind me or shoot at me while I´ll try to turn and aim at him. In addition the P40 is much more maneuverable than Messerschmitt so that at the end the tide turns completly to P40 sad . That´s the difference between reality btw flight sims and arcade games cool . The only time that I could push hard at J´s P40 was as he was climbing for height after taking ammo from runway and I dive onto him and nailed him with my guns, but it wasn´t enough to bring him down. After that it goes on the same angry .

I´m not boring to fly, I think that will never happen, my element is the air smile !!! But in the last month my skill as Infanterist grows up a lot and now I feel able to fill any breach on battlefield that is nessesary, btw my skill as pilot grows up enormusly during the last year and now i go very familiar in flying with the FHSW engine.
Perhaps we can try a session in IL2 anytime but unfortunatly my time is very limited and I´m not sure if I want to spend time for going familiar with IL2 again and in FHSW it takes less than 30 sec to be in the heat of the battle, hm. But we will see.

PS Erich Hartmann sayed that one very important thing, perhaps the most, is to see the opponent first so that u can start action to maneuver in an advantage position before u start ur attack. If u do so it´s allways u who can take the initiative and the opponent have to re act wink I think he was right.

Regards, der Eberhahn

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Mr_JDate: Friday, 2012-02-24, 5:01 PM | Message # 20
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Quote (Robert_von_Eberhahn)
I remember one lesson that MR_J gave me 10 month or so ago on Kasserine pass where we fly against each other, he with P40 and me with ME 109 and he shoot me down several times and I was really despaired and surprised because I had read different things about the confrontation of the two planes. I tryed to adjust my tactic against P 40 in using the advantage in speed and climbing ability to be always in position of initiative acting ... but the map was to small dry . I never bring it to enough space between me and J that I can get in advantage shooting position and the difference in speed between P40 and ME 109 was there but not enough to escape out of range of sight so he could allways slip behind me or shoot at me while I´ll try to turn and aim at him. In addition the P40 is much more maneuverable than Messerschmitt so that at the end the tide turns completly to P40 sad . That´s the difference between reality btw flight sims and arcade games cool . The only time that I could push hard at J´s P40 was as he was climbing for height after taking ammo from runway and I dive onto him and nailed him with my guns, but it wasn´t enough to bring him down. After that it goes on the same angry .

"From Hauptmann R. von Eberhahn's diary entry"

Haha it was the only time that I remember, when I have managed to shoot you down smile It's very interesting to read your memories from the battle space, though. Usually from my side, my brain says things like: "Kurba, Robert in the air again :|"

Quote (Robert_von_Eberhahn)
I´m not shure if flying in IL 2 automaticaly will improve your skill in FHSW because of Simulation (IL2) and Arcade (FHSW) wacko In FHSW the space is so much smaller and the Gameplay itself so much faster than in IL 2

I remember that everytime after short session with IL2, my skill in FH was magically boosted up and it was not only a delusion.

Have you seen this commercial movie trailer already? I would be very pleased if it was available in my town cinemas instead of stupid romantic commedies happy
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