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FHSW Suggestions Thread Vol. II (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-12-15, 5:53 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
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Post your suggestions for future FHSW versions here, not only vehicles but also game mechanics and effects.


  • Try to only suggest one or two things in one posting.
  • Explain why you suggest it, we have tons of vehicles (especially tanks) already keep that in mind.
  • Please no reposts of things which are already recorded in the list below

    Posts which don't follow the rules may be deleted without comment.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Joni_KillerDate: Tuesday, 2017-05-02, 4:08 PM | Message # 181
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    Quote Fritz-Kempf ()
    Give to me that monter!  yahoo

    Added (2017-05-02, 3:01 PM)

    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    female soldiers
    Wow, i want that)

    Added (2017-05-02, 3:08 PM)
    KV-4 looked how Maus model.

    Joni_Killer aka Infantry General Jon_Killer aka Major Jon_Killer
    bubuDate: Thursday, 2017-05-04, 6:09 PM | Message # 182
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    So I watched 233 Drache Helicopter in action on YouTube...

    Since it is in the game already but with with rather non-historic purpose, we might add slightly more historic purpose of transportation for it - for example it would be possible to spawn mountain howitzer or AT gun from it, just like from APCs.

    Added (2017-05-04, 5:09 PM)

    Quote Endless_Nameless ()
    Yugoslavia faction

    We may as well as add Czechoslovak faction then   Czechoslovakia had quite a decent arsenal:

    ZK-383; ZB vz. 26 as basis for Bren MG (LMG); vz. 24 rifles developed from Gewehr 98; ZB-53 (HMG)....

    Land vehicles:
    When you click on the ZB-53 link, the Wikipedia has very nice table in the bottom of that page and it lists all the equipment of Czechoslovakia in years 1919-1945 in terms of infantry firearms, AT/AA, Artillery and armored vehicles.
    Panzer 38(t) is actually Czechoslovak tank, so one tank is finished already. ^_^

    From this comprehensive list of all the planes used in WW2 I selected a few noticeable airplanes worth adding:
    Bombers: Bloch MB200 (locally built) and its replacement Aero A300; borrowed Soviet planes Tupolev SB under production name Avia B-71 and finally Aero A304.
    Fighters: There were mainly biplane planes (referenced below) but the most famous fighter prototypes were Avia B.35 and Avia B.135 .
    Biplanes Letov Š-16, Aero A.32 and Aero A.11  were slowly replaced by Aero A.100. There is large operational history for Avia B-534 being the most advanced one of these biplanes.
    Prototypes: Praga E-210 for transportation; Avia B-158 and Letov Š-50 used as light bombers.

    Historical aspect:
    Many of these weapons were used by Yugoslavia as well. This is because Czechoslovakia had small defensive
    alliance with Yugoslavia before the breakout of the war. After the
    German occupation and split to Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and
    First Slovak Republic, these weapons were used by Axis forces. Some of the planes, notably Avia B.135 was used by Bulgaria.

    There also are possible maps: Theater of Slovak National Uprising (1944) and famous Battle for Dukla Pass (FH2 has one map for this battle). There also may be a map about Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, which was a para-drop mission carried out from UK by Czechoslovak paratroopers.

    If there is any intention of adding this faction, I could even record the in-game commands to the Czech and Slovak variants once I am told which audio format is needed.
    mardukDate: Friday, 2017-05-26, 8:44 AM | Message # 183
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    I would love to see more heavy artillery such as

    -sFH 18: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15_cm_sFH_18

    -K 5: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krupp_K5

    -"Long Tom": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/155_mm_Long_Tom

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2017-05-27, 10:15 AM | Message # 184
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    During the serverside discussion about Kharkov outskirts and some finetuned tactical possibilitys some ideas popped up.

    - please design a pick up Officer kit (for all nations of course) with a flag in the item menu that can placed anywhere and acts like a temporary spawnpoint, with aditonaly smoke, marker and some usefull things like that. I know it´s possible, we had that back in 2006 in my german speaking community in a minimod too.

    - actually not sure if it´s already there? Please add smoke shells to the mortar kit.

    - Please design a pick up remote kit in which u can choose what kind of airsupport u call in:

    for example a Heinkel 111 level carpetbombing (that one from which the small bombs spead out to the sides on a quite large area )
    a formation of 3 Stukas level bombing
    a single Stuka with one bomb for divebombing on a spot.

    That three posibilitys to choose and fiting for the different periods of time

    THX in advance to the modders and maybe it finds it way in an upcoming version.

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    punisherDate: Saturday, 2017-07-15, 9:14 PM | Message # 185
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    the Avia B-534-IV 1933 is a must to be included in battlefield forgotten hope secret weapons

    "....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

    "this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


    punisherDate: Saturday, 2017-07-15, 9:18 PM | Message # 186
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    how about the explosions to the land to leave a burned ground texture or a crater as in the simulation named tank ace 1944 for mobile telephone (it is only in third person view)

    "....you will get kicked" get kick your own self!

    "this player is no more" you are wrong, is still more!


    Joni_KillerDate: Tuesday, 2017-07-18, 7:35 AM | Message # 187
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    Bizones Family:

    Sturmpanzer I: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...._Ausf_B
    Sturmpanzer II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki....II_(Sf)
    More full naval map's: Coral Sea, Operation Halberd, First Battle of Sirte, Second Battle of Sirte, Operation Pedestal and etc.
    That only Malta company.
    Hedgehog(Anti Submarine Weapon ): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedgehog_(weapon)
    True Coral Sea battle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Coral_Sea

    Joni_Killer aka Infantry General Jon_Killer aka Major Jon_Killer

    Message edited by Joni_Killer - Tuesday, 2017-07-18, 7:41 AM
    xxpollenzxxDate: Wednesday, 2017-07-19, 0:36 AM | Message # 188
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    There use to be a Coral Sea map on FH vanilla as far as I remember.
    twistedkebabfaceDate: Friday, 2017-07-21, 7:36 PM | Message # 189
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    Dunkirk evacuation also known as "Operation Dinamo"  map.

    Style can be simmilar to Arctic Convoy map.  Allied should move cargo ships to the UK beach. Axis must destroy them.

    Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.

    Message edited by twistedkebabface - Friday, 2017-07-21, 9:23 PM
    andrewbarker2008Date: Saturday, 2018-01-20, 1:18 AM | Message # 190
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    Sorry to bother everyone at this time, but I have two suggestions for now(I do not know if any of those suggestions were made by other members of this forum): (1) Please add the SMLE (otherwise known as the Lee-Enfield No. 1) Mk.III to the Australian side (including a Sniper variant for the SMLE Mk.III, and (2) please add the PzB38 and PzB39 to the German side (especially in maps taking place in Poland during 1939). The reason I suggested them is because those weapons are not included in the "Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon" mod. Sorry for making those suggestions and explaining my reason for making them, but I felt that I needed to get it off my chest. Thank you for your time.

    Message edited by andrewbarker2008 - Saturday, 2018-01-20, 1:30 AM
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2018-01-20, 10:04 AM | Message # 191
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    Hey, no need to be sorry biggrin

    I have a mild feeling PzB38/39 is in some maps. I could be very wrong though.

    But yeah, SMLE is missing sad

    Message edited by bubu - Saturday, 2018-01-20, 10:04 AM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2018-01-20, 2:23 PM | Message # 192
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    klick here

    And use wiki and also read the list of suggestions before u post further suggestions wink

    BTW an introduction would be gentleman like for entering the forum, in addition if u have been active on our gameserver and if u have a different nick ingame.

    Be sure other members will apreciate that.

    Added (2018-01-20, 1:23 PM)
    BTW !!! I just browsed the list and there are quite many things that are present in actual gameplay / version surprised !!! So anyone with rights should do a notice to the done work, (my suggestion a notice not simply delete it) so we can enjoy the progress the very busy devs have had done so far thumbup .

    On this place my very big THANKS to the FHSW development team notworthy ok yahoo !!!!!!!

    Your work is magic wizard !!!!!!!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server

    Message edited by Robert_von_Eberhahn - Saturday, 2018-01-20, 2:06 PM
    andrewbarker2008Date: Tuesday, 2018-01-23, 4:00 AM | Message # 193
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    Unfortunately, I do not know where to post an introduction. If I can, and if it is okay with you, I would most certainly like to introduce myself on this thread. Otherwise, I do not know where to post my introduction. I apologize.
    GameplayerDate: Tuesday, 2018-01-23, 2:27 PM | Message # 194
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    -> Finnish or Polish naval map
    -> Attack of Pearl harbor map
    -> I haven't seen much Finnish maps in the mod (only 3) naval would be nice to see and I introduce for you Finnish coastal defence ship
        and I saw Pearl harbor have been made to 0.552 and I would be nice to get back in 0.61.

    Hates too quick judgement.

    aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500

    Message edited by onnipatrika54 - Tuesday, 2018-01-23, 2:30 PM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 8:21 PM | Message # 195
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    Quote andrewbarker2008 ()
    Unfortunately, I do not know where to post an introduction. If I can, and if it is okay with you, I would most certainly like to introduce myself on this thread. Otherwise, I do not know where to post my introduction. I apologize.

    No problem. It´s allways good to have new members because they get some fresh air to us, so for me in browsing the suggestion post and discovering what I wrote.
    And also maybe to create a thread for introduction for new members.
    Take a look here and open a new thread and wrote there everything u find important about ur self.

    THX and regards Robert

    Added (2018-01-25, 7:21 PM)
    I want to suggest that mobile spawn vehicles should be invisible on minimap if empty (at least for the enemy team if posibble) and don´t destroy themself if abandoned or in other way not used for longer time!

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    andrewbarker2008Date: Friday, 2018-01-26, 9:03 PM | Message # 196
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    Unfortunately, I cannot make a new thread, and I can only do so after I make 3 separate posts on an existing thread.

    However, I have some other suggestions, though I can only suggest one or two things in each post, as stated in the rules of this thread. One thing that I would like to mention (if that is not yet talked about) is that the Finnish faction does not have the Lahti L-35 pistol, the Mosin-Nagant M/28-30 and its sniper variant (this also includes a bayonet for the Mosin-Nagant M/28-30), the Mosin-Nagant M/39 and its bayonet, the Lahti-Saloranta M/26 light machine gun, and the Lahti L-39 anti-tank gun. The second thing that I would like to mention (if that is not already talked about) is that the French faction does not have the infantry (non-stationary) version of the FM 24/29 light machine gun and/or the Mle.1935 pistol. I am sorry for posting those suggestions, but, as usual, I felt that I needed to get them off of my chest. Thank you for your time.

    Message edited by andrewbarker2008 - Friday, 2018-01-26, 9:03 PM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2018-01-27, 0:30 AM | Message # 197
    Lieutenant General
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    Hm OK, I think you have to be moved to the group "trusted" sometimes. But any Admin have to do that.

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    andrewbarker2008Date: Saturday, 2018-01-27, 4:55 AM | Message # 198
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    Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
    Hm OK, I think you have to be moved to the group "trusted" sometimes. But any Admin have to do that.

    I am sorry about having offended you, sir. I hate to be a bother, but I do not understand what "trusted" means when it comes to a group. My apologies, but I do not know if this is bad news for me. Again, I apologize, sir.
    bubuDate: Saturday, 2018-01-27, 12:40 PM | Message # 199
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    Quote andrewbarker2008 ()
    I am sorry about having offended you, sir. I hate to be a bother, but I do not understand what "trusted" means when it comes to a group. My apologies, but I do not know if this is bad news for me. Again, I apologize, sir.

    No need to be sorry lol happy

    Basically someone from admin team who has access to the forum administration panel has to approve your account. That's the way the forum works in general. Once your account has been moved, you are able to create new threads etc. smile

    I'll PM Marduk who can put you in that group. Btw, what is your nick in game? smile

    I created a thread where we can all write some introduction about ourselves! happy  http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/2-897-1#14457

    Message edited by bubu - Saturday, 2018-01-27, 1:34 PM
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2018-04-01, 9:46 PM | Message # 200
    Lieutenant General
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    Quote andrewbarker2008 ()
    I am sorry about having offended you, sir. I hate to be a bother, but I do not understand what "trusted" means when it comes to a group. My apologies, but I do not know if this is bad news for me. Again, I apologize, sir.

    No problem, but very nice o meet a gentleman, really ! I know u from the server with ur nickname. Be a little patient and everything will grow right.

    Added (2018-04-01, 8:46 PM)
    I want to suggest to make it possible that a sniper have any possibility to cover himself proper. I think about the camouflage tent used in the star wars mod ...
    Or simply beeing invisible in more then 200 meters distance anything like that ...

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server