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FHSW 0.5X/0.6 news discussion (r)
Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 6:08 PM | Message # 21
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That's astounding! Looks like FHSWman, as well as the rest of FHSW vehicle modders went very deeply into their scrupulous perfectionism. And eYe has beaten me up with his 2 (almost 3) projects used in FHSW. My ugly Maus is not even a match for the Sturmtiger anyway. GJ eYe

New map featuring the captured Tiger? (still no lightmaps sad )

Quote (Endless_Nameless)
Also interesting new feature in the Sturmtiger with the numbers for elevation and traverse, I'm curious to try it out.

That's right, very handy feature, plus artillery rangefinder (visible in video presentation) I wish other SP guns got them too.

There's are two things that I don't like though, I mean the rocket projectile. Have Germans really used orange to paint their missiles?! Second thing is flame and fume trail. A large rocket proppeled round like this should produce more dense, thick and long lasting smoke. I hope it is going to be adjusted in final version. I don't remember eye, have you modelled a new projectile too?

According to the blog, the reloading time will be 30s. Dunno about wall penetration.

Well, map loading times will rise in 0.55 for sure

The same about projectile explosion effect. Smoke and dust after the hit with such powerful ammunition should not dissapear so quick. Ningen, or someone esle, tell FHSWMan about our feedback please.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 6:40 PM | Message # 22
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Unfortunatly the map loading time will rise more yes sad .

I don´t know that maps shown on the devblog with some new Tigers. I hope there are a few new maps in 0.55.

Yes congratz for the model of te Sturmtiger EYE!

I wish the devs add more and different animation effects like that exploding Sturmtiger to all other tanks !!! That would be really amazing!

The projektiles was not orange, no. But agree Mr_J with that thick and long lasting smoke trail. At the pic it seems like a normal gun and not like a rocketpropelled projektile.

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Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 7:17 PM | Message # 23
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Ugly Maus, you must be kidding! tongue

Besides I didn't make the texture which in 99% decides if a vehicle looks good or bad. And FHSWman did a very good job there.

I also made the projectile but again didn't texture it properly. I think I just randomly picked one from the texture folder to see it in-game. Yes I agree the fume is not so great and even goes through the vehicle, I used the one from FH as you can see in my video: http://youtu.be/hDkvTCUFW90?t=57s

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aka eYe.ris
slobodanDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 7:40 PM | Message # 24
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Unfortunatly the map loading time will rise more yes.

It is strange, recently I have tested BG42. This mod has lots of vehicles, models, weapons(maybe much more then FHSW) and maps which looks unbelievable comparing with FHSW and...     loading time is much shorter. wacko

Btw Nashorn incoming:


Mr_JDate: Monday, 2013-03-11, 8:11 PM | Message # 25
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Your pic is a Hummel, Slobo

That's actual Nashorn:
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2013-04-04, 3:05 PM | Message # 26
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In the news for the T28/T95 it says heavy tank destroyers will have a new map icon. Does the Sturmtiger count as a heavy tank destroyer? Because the picture says it is an assault gun.
mardukDate: Thursday, 2013-04-04, 3:19 PM | Message # 27
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Sturmtiger should count as an assault gun because it was one.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
crazygameloverDate: Thursday, 2013-04-04, 4:45 PM | Message # 28
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Ah, ok. Also, when are all these tank/plane models going to be used? Are they all going to be put into the next version, or is he just experimenting with making them, and seeing which are his favourite?
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2013-04-04, 5:34 PM | Message # 29
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The ones that are mentioned in an offical news will be in the next update most likely.

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aka eYe.ris
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-09-29, 12:51 PM | Message # 30
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News on moddb: http://www.moddb.com/mods/forgotten-hope-secret-weapon/news/paul-oscar

And already there's the obligatory BF2 comment. rolleyes

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 10:48 PM | Message # 31
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Quote (Mr_J)
There's are two things that I don't like though, I mean the rocket projectile. Have Germans really used orange to paint their missiles?! Second thing is flame and fume trail. A large rocket proppeled round like this should produce more dense, thick and long lasting smoke. I hope it is going to be adjusted in final version.

It would be cool if they made it so that firing produced the same effect as a smoke grenade, they should do the same with the Nebelwerfer!

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SimoHayhaDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 10:48 PM | Message # 32
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New AT weapons!

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Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 10:46 PM | Message # 33
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Moved your posting to here Simo, fits better I think.

btw. anyone knows what they say here:


It's *something* *something* mod loading times.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
DeathDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 11:50 PM | Message # 34
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You're lucky you have a Japanese player in the community dry . my grammar is a bit rusty but basically it says this.

So far in FHSW the addition of infantry weapons had an inevitably reluctant situation because, the addition of weapons increased the loading times. because the addition of weapons was not the the ratio of additional weapons at the time. In BF1942 when loading maps, it had to read the animation of all weapons that exist in the game, including those not in the map. However, the new FHSW has succeeded in switching the animation to load in map units. Not only shortening loading time, but FHSW has ushered in the possibility of additional infantry weapons.

In english they're saying, that BF1942's engine had to load every single weapon in the game, even if they were not in the specific map loading. This is why the loading time was so long, and the reason why they didn't want to add more infantry weapons. However, they realized how to correct this so that the loading proccess only reads the the units, and weapons in that specific map. this will shorten the loading time and make it possible to add more weapons in the future.

Added (2013-10-19, 11:50 PM)
So all of you worrying about the loading time being to infinity, don't worry, my countrymen have fixed this problem  smile

Message edited by Death - Saturday, 2013-10-19, 11:54 PM
crazygameloverDate: Saturday, 2013-10-19, 11:52 PM | Message # 35
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God damnit, now I'm getting really, REALLY anxious for FHSWman to release 0.55 sad
SimoHayhaDate: Sunday, 2013-10-20, 0:01 AM | Message # 36
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OH wow! This is gonna be very interesting! reducing loadingtimes is a great addition, but more infantry weapons sounds awesome!

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Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-10-20, 1:07 PM | Message # 37
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Yes that's definitely good news, I wonder how much faster it really is. Thanks for the translation, I didn't know you were able to read Japanese, I might bug you more often now.  happy

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
SimoHayhaDate: Sunday, 2013-10-20, 2:03 PM | Message # 38
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I dont think they would mention it in case it was actually noticable, i wonder if the loading bar will function normally now!

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Stefan1990Date: Sunday, 2013-10-20, 6:35 PM | Message # 39
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thats awesome news!!!!!! thats  th reason why they need so mutch time for the next verion. the have to fix all maps!
DeathDate: Sunday, 2013-10-20, 9:23 PM | Message # 40
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Eye....I'm Half Japanese  dry
LOL but yeah send me pms if you want me to translate.

I wonder if they're going to add some more maps  tongue
