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Stefan1990Date: Wednesday, 2011-03-16, 8:18 PM | Message # 1
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Events of 2014

number of players: 26
maplist by Mayer
flyer by Mayer

number of players: 38
maplist by Fritz-Kempf,Mayer,Robert_von_Eberhahn
flyer by Mayer

number of players: 62 {Record}
maplist by Mayer,RADIOSMERSH,Xenanab,Death,Robert_von_Eberhahn
flyer by Slobodan,Mayer

number of players:
maplist by Mayer
flyer #1 (official) by Mayer , flyer #2 by Slobodan

number of players:
maplist by Fritz-Kempf
flyer by Slobodan

Events of 2013

  • Air Force Battles
  • Tank Battles of WWII
  • Battle of the Solomons
  • Alternative History of WWII
  • Infantry Battles
  • The Battle for Japan
  • D-Day
  • Battle for the Gilbert Islands/Battle for Burma
  • Progress to the Reich
  • Hungary's Fate
  • Soviet Storm
  • American Offensive
  • April Fools
  • Italian Front
  • Pacific War
  • Invasion on Hell
  • Axis Advance
  • Eastern Front - The Downfall
  • Western Offensive
  • Desert War
  • Turning Points of World War II
  • D-Day
  • Objective Maps Event
  • Best of Push Maps
  • The Great Retreat
  • Battle of the Pacific Islands
  • Afrika Korps Fate
  • Commonwealth Forces
  • Late Tank Battles
  • Ribbentrop-Molotov & Fall Gelb
  • Closing the Falaise Gap
  • Death from Above
  • Hungarian Front
  • 1944 - The Decisive Year of WWII
  • The Decisive Year 1942
  • The Decisive Year 1943
  • The Forgotten Battles
  • Streetfights of WW2
  • Combined Arms
  • Naval Nightmare
  • Vanilla Event
  • Vive la France
  • Santa Claus has gone to War
    mardukDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-16, 10:53 AM | Message # 21
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    To take up Slobos idea of an event, I'd also say a late Eastern front event would be nice smile

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-16, 7:55 PM | Message # 22
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    I'd also say a late Eastern front event would be nice

    Stefan1990Date: Wednesday, 2011-11-16, 8:05 PM | Message # 23
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    your wish is my order biggrin
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2011-11-17, 0:00 AM | Message # 24
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    sayed the lampghost and ... happy

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    Stefan1990Date: Friday, 2011-11-18, 4:45 PM | Message # 25
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    post a map cycle and i will create flyer biggrin
    mardukDate: Friday, 2011-11-18, 5:07 PM | Message # 26
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    what about that one:

    stashuv area
    warsaw uprising
    transcarpathia 1944
    the great pursuit
    hungary forest 1945
    operation springawakening
    spurning fate 1945
    seelow heights 1945
    berlin outskirts

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2011-11-18, 6:09 PM | Message # 27
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    I approve. biggrin

    Will it be a 2 days event again? Unfortunately those didn't have more than 20 players. sad

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris

    Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Friday, 2011-11-18, 7:26 PM
    Mr_JDate: Friday, 2011-11-18, 8:42 PM | Message # 28
    Accessory Admin
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    I propose this. Red Army Offensive, 2 days event, 18gmt+

    A_Day_of_Zitadelle | Juli 1943


    ilomantsi-1944 | July 26 - August 13, 1944
    Stashuv_Area | August 1944


    Seelow-Heights-1945 | April 16 - May 2, 1945
    Berlin_Outskirts | April 24, 1945
    Manchuria-1945 | August 1945

    Check in advance if every map works with MapTweak.

    Just to let you know: I've pulled back Orel, Korsun pocket and Prokhorovka. Korsun pocket is a very big map with no Push System so I predict a chaotic gameplay for that. Prokhorovka is very similiar to Spring Awakening. Orel, I needed to lower overall maps number so Orel has been shot off.

    Message edited by Mr_J - Saturday, 2011-11-19, 0:13 AM
    LampoDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 2:16 PM | Message # 29
    Donator of 40€
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    Yes I know, that's like an high treason... but when i find the server empty I play in single-palyer mode, the mod BG42 rolleyes I found a lot of good maps, some of Lt. Moeder Theresa ( a gaming mate and a great mapper too, dead more than 2 years ago ). Do you know if is possible a conversion from BG42 to FHSW map ???
    I remember a CW, when I was in a bf1942 clan I played a BG42 map in BF42.
    There are a lot of north africa and italian campaign maps.
    Ok, now you may shot me.

    Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 7:17 PM | Message # 30
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    FHSW has no singleplayer so it's no shame to play BG42. Everything is better than vanilla BF. happy
    I'm no mapper so I don't know how much work it would be to convert a map but it should be less than starting from scratch. tongue

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris

    Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 7:17 PM
    LampoDate: Wednesday, 2011-11-30, 9:17 PM | Message # 31
    Donator of 40€
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    ok, I'm still alive...
    I remember when I tried to make a map, quitted after the first test.
    Flying MG, water everywhere, flying builds, impossible climbs... wacko

    mardukDate: Thursday, 2011-12-01, 9:22 AM | Message # 32
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    I think it would be good to start this Eastfront-Event soon...

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    LampoDate: Thursday, 2011-12-01, 11:18 AM | Message # 33
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    so do i

    but waiting for an all marine event... from Artic to Pacific, with a lot of players.

    Message edited by Lampo - Thursday, 2011-12-01, 11:19 AM
    slobodanDate: Monday, 2011-12-05, 4:17 PM | Message # 34
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    Mr. J:
    I propose this. Red Army Offensive, 2 days event, 18gmt+

    A_Day_of_Zitadelle | Juli 1943


    ilomantsi-1944 | July 26 - August 13, 1944
    Stashuv_Area | August 1944


    Seelow-Heights-1945 | April 16 - May 2, 1945
    Berlin_Outskirts | April 24, 1945
    Manchuria-1945 | August 1945

    Check in advance if every map works with MapTweak.

    Just to let you know: I've pulled back Orel, Korsun pocket and Prokhorovka. Korsun pocket is a very big map with no Push System so I predict a chaotic gameplay for that. Prokhorovka is very similiar to Spring Awakening. Orel, I needed to lower overall maps number so Orel has been shot off.

    It is good idea, we should organize this event.

    Endless_NamelessDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-07, 5:52 PM | Message # 35
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    Can someone make a nice flyer for the event?

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Mr_JDate: Wednesday, 2011-12-07, 9:11 PM | Message # 36
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    Flyers are not so necessary. Just make adverts wherever you can.
    mardukDate: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 3:13 PM | Message # 37
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    @Mr J: I spared the 1943-maps for another event.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    Mr_JDate: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 3:50 PM | Message # 38
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    thanks but why there are no Ilomantsi and Manchuria??? These are very well made maps with push system!

    Warsaw Uprising - I doubt if it suits event theme :P

    Message edited by Mr_J - Thursday, 2011-12-08, 4:00 PM
    Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 4:15 PM | Message # 39
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    Thanks for the flyer, marduk. up

    @maps: You know me: I don't really care about what maps we play. biggrin
    We can still play Manchuria after Berlin Outskirts if there are enough ppl left, no biggie.

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris

    Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Thursday, 2011-12-08, 4:23 PM
    mardukDate: Thursday, 2011-12-08, 4:25 PM | Message # 40
    Group: Admins
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    Shit, I just forgot Ilomantsi haha
    Warsaw uprising indirectly suits the theme because the Polish people rose up to free the city just before the Russian troops arrived.
    Manchuria? I doubt if THIS map suits the theme haha but as eye said, we might play it afterwards..

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk