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I take no joy in this (r)
mattroy1024Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 1:16 AM | Message # 1
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So let me get this out of the way first. If any player has ever been suspicious of me. To settle any suspicion I am willing to livestream all my gameplay on twitch. I will still be the same cheap bastard. I do play with certain advantages. I am on teamspeak with Meltdown and Hitman and we are constantly spotting threats for each other or helping eachother walk arty in closer. We try to all be on the same team for this reason. I also play with high end surround sound on high volume with a subwoofer in a man cave on a 27inch curved monitor. Yes my neighbors hate me. No I will not turn it down. I have tried recording my gameplay in the past so I can post on youtube. But I am having trouble with artifacts not rendering in the recording.  Trees and bushes and effects missing ect.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXGtrNzkD-Y  I apologize for the quality. But it is a full recording of a game from a few weeks ago. I am clearly not using any hacks and I get a gold with a typical score. Maybe Radiosmersh can help me with the missing objects. I swear they were there when I recorded.               twitch.tv/thecleanerfh

So I am going to just come right out and say it. zzzMosquitozzz is running multihacks. I am sorry to friends of his. It is not something we like to hear in our tight community. I am 100% positive he uses no fog and minimap. I have been suspicious for a while for countless reasons. But he is not even trying to hide it anymore. We were playing The Great Pursuit this past Saturday and he was in that static Tiger 1 that is next to the bunker just blasting ridiculously accurate shots thru the fog. I am a pretty decent tanker and I could not even get in visual range without these nasty shells flying thru the fog hitting me right between the eyes. Even when I spawned as infantry with binocs I could not get close enough to spot.   Same thing on Vanilla Midway. Just a constant blast of AA fire thru the fog from naval AA guns.

It makes me sad because I enjoyed an air rivalry with him. It wasn't until recently that his flying skills improved 500%. I played with him in Pixel for a long time and I always swatted him like a bug in the air. Now half the time he is behind me in a plane I cannot even see him. Just tracers flying thru the fog. Often times from beneath me thru the fog. When I openly accused him in the server  this Saturday (Which I had never done before) He did not even deny it. He just said something along the lines of "Cry cry" and then he called me a hypocrite. I hate to bring in elementary psychology here but.... doesn't calling me a hypocrite admit guilt? I interpreted that as "Yes I cheat but so do you" = hypocrite.... right? He made this asinine statement more then once. He made the hypocrite statement in game during Prok on Sunday.

Well, as usual I am flattered by the accusation but am also 100% willing to squash any suspicion. Solution: Livestream. I have never even thought about cheating at this game. I have a terrible reputation to maintain.

I challenged him in game to livestream with me but he ignored me. He just resorted to calling his accusers "Noobs" and saying things like "I have been playing since 2002"
Well so have I. That doesn't help me see thru the fog. I am pretty sure he has me buddied because he ALWAYS finds me even if I am well hidden. No other experienced pilot..... Robert, Air Troll ect.... would even attempt to do the risky things that zzz does. He flies all the way over to our main and strafes me as soon as I spawn on Breakthrough. When I or any other pilot flies a ground attack plane. We usually have to make 2 passes. One to get a visual, the other to start an attack run. Mosquito only ever makes one pass. He will take off from the main and head right towards the juiciest target (usually me) every time. This is especially apparent on maps with heavy fog. I depend heavily on teammates spotting stuff on maps like that.  I accused him openly on Saturday hoping he would not use them Sunday. But he did. Feel free to spectate him when he is flying. It will become painfully obvious pretty fast.

I challenge anyone. Next time they are playing with him. Try to sneak up on him. I get snuck up on and stabbed all the time. Usually by Bubu whispering sweet nothings into my ear as he bayonets me. I also get snuck up on by infantry when I am in a tank. I am pretty sure the groundpounders kill me way more then enemy tanks do. Try sneaking up on him with a faust. I remember the first time I ever thought "Oh come on zzz" The map was Tunisia. I went ALL the way around the far side of the map to flank Mosquito when he was camping in a Sherman. I killed no one and did not reveal myself to anyone. As soon as I get to his flank. I peak around the corner and his main gun is already pointed at his 4 o'clock right between my eyes. C'mon now....

The Cleaner

The Cleaner

Message edited by mattroy1024 - Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 5:48 AM
djmeltdown65Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 2:08 AM | Message # 2
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Just a couple of recent examples of zzzMosquitozzz cheating:

Supercharge: Cleaner and I flying b-25 together. Tracers come through the fog (from my zoomed in gunner sight I cannot see him and still he shoots through fog) and shoots us down. Then Cleaner spawns in random tent at allied main AF. zzzMosquitozzz comes straight in and strafes him as he leaves random tent at north west AF.

Muse River line: zzzMosquitozzz is sitting in pershing tank at house by first bridge to island in center of map. He is engaged with cleaner and other tanks on island. As soon as I poke over hill to his 3 o'clock from radar flag his turret is pointed at me and he instantly fires.

Prokorovka: I kill zzzMosquitozzz with veirling halftrack as he is dog fighting other axis planes. I get bombed by MajorJFIN and spawn at main. He instantly bombs me as I grab another random vehicle in axis main.

In Summary:
1) He always seems to know where player are
2) He shoots through the fog in both plane and tank
3) He does NOT deny cheating only calls people Noobs for accusing him
4) I have also been playing since 2002 and have never been able to shoot/see through fog

After us three accused him Saturday I think he turned them off out of fear that admins were actually going to pay attention/look more closely at him because all of the sudden he started playing like any normal good player. He would get a couple of kills but also get killed fairly. Before we called him out he was shooting people from very far away in disabled tiger no one could even get close enough to spot him with binoculars for arty strikes.

I love playing FHSW and I love your server because of the community that has been built there. People like zzzMosquitozzz are cancer for your server. People can tell what's going on when someone is "that good" and wont tolerate it for long before looking for another place to play that doesn't have cheaters.

Message edited by djmeltdown65 - Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 2:48 AM
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 8:30 AM | Message # 3
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Quote Cleaner: "zzzMosquitozzz is running multihacks. I am sorry to friends of his. It is not something we like to hear in our tight community. I am 100% positive he uses no fog and minimap. I have been suspicious for a while for countless reasons."

Quote Meltdown: "2) He shoots through the fog in both plane and tank"

Thanks for your posts. To be honest, I was waiting for somebody to open this case because I am afraid you are right. Many other players have suspected him of cheating before and I have also made some weird "fog experiences" with him. I did not bring this up before because too many smart-asses would accuse me of misusing my admin power or whatever.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
E-3Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 1:20 PM | Message # 4
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i really don't like the idea of this its sad if players feel the need to cheat sad and i always thought that zzzMosquitozzz was just a very skilled player.
but i can be wrong here

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 1:22 PM
djmeltdown65Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 7:43 PM | Message # 5
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I wish it were the case that zzzMosquitozzz was just really good but unfortunately I doubt it.

This has been going on for months now and it he has only gotten bolder using these advantages since no one was calling him out for it.

It has gotten to the point to where it is very obvious that his fog is off and map hack is on. He even taunts players for calling him out for fishy kills.
LampoDate: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 8:09 PM | Message # 6
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I don't think he is a cheater. A lot of times some one kill me in a strange way but when I take a look at my ping I understand how that happens. Then, when you are in a foggy map if you use the periferic view you can see more target than the normal view. As pilot he is really good as airi, cleani, robert and other players. A lot of players use some bug to improve their skills... knife bug is the most used. I never did but lampo is lampo... I'm a noob with cheats or bugs too. I think there are skilled players, normal playrs and lampo players... nothing else. And if some one cheats, who cares ? I have fun anyway.

Message edited by Lampo - Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 8:11 PM
mattroy1024Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-03, 8:28 PM | Message # 7
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Shooting thru the fog all the time. That is the dead giveaway..... He got sloppy and he got caught. There is just way too much stuff to even mention. I will end up writing a novel. Anyway, I levied a credible accusation. Its up to the admins to decide any action. I think asking him to livestream is the best solution. I'd like to see him find targets so easily when we are watching him. I guarantee his flying skills will diminish significantly if he had a stream on.

And Lampo, I probably would not care as much but he made it personal. It is quite clear he is using minimap hack because he always seems to find me specifically even if 50+ people are playing. When he started hacking he started targeting me specifically. I would spawn in a bunker and 5 seconds later he would strafe the bunker. It was getting ridiculous and over the top suspicious. I know for a fact he is using a multihack.

The Cleaner
XenanabDate: Friday, 2018-07-06, 3:28 PM | Message # 8
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Thank you for bringing this complaint to the forum and not continue discussing about it ingame.

And sorry for the late response.

I personally never had the feeling that there is something fishy about his playstyle. He has chosen you as the main victim it seems and your shared experiences sound pretty convincing to say the least.

Quote mattroy1024 ()
So let me get this out of the way first. If any player has ever been suspicious of me. To settle any suspicion I am willing to livestream all my gameplay on twitch. I will still be the same cheap bastard. I do play with certain advantages. I am on teamspeak with Meltdown and Hitman and we are constantly spotting threats for each other or helping eachother walk arty in closer.

Don't worry. I am pretty sure that noone of the admin team is suspecting you for using cheats. Because in my opinion it is pretty obvious that you guys work together and communicate. Thanks for being honest.

So, I as an admin want to say that I would agree on a long temporary ban of zzzMosquitozzz.

Pretty disappointed of him; also the fact that he hasn't tried to respond on this thread by now (yes he has a forum account).

Quote marduk ()
I did not bring this up before because too many smart-asses would accuse me of misusing my admin power or whatever

You know you can always write private messages to the rest of the staff to have a civil talk. I personally had hardly any feeling that he was cheating, but some people who play more regulary might have a better impression. It's always important to talk about this stuff.
LampoDate: Friday, 2018-07-06, 5:14 PM | Message # 9
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Quote Xenanab ()
So, I as an admin want to say that I would agree on a long temporary ban of zzzMosquitozzz.
Why ??? Because he kills several times the same player ??? That happen to me too, but I never have  suspected anyone of cheating. Sometime happens, sometime doesn't. Com'on guys...   ah
SE-3 posted an interesting solution, let's try it.

Spe spe spe... che tu parli anche italiano  biggrin 
Non possiamo bannare giocatori solo perché si sospetta, per farlo ci vogliono certezze e poi mosquiz credo sia un bravo giocatore come altri.  pepsi

Message edited by Lampo - Friday, 2018-07-06, 5:19 PM
mardukDate: Friday, 2018-07-06, 5:19 PM | Message # 10
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Quote Xenanab: "Don't worry. I am pretty sure that noone of the admin team is suspecting you for using cheats. Because in my opinion it is pretty obvious that you guys work together and communicate. Thanks for being honest."


"Pretty disappointed of him; also the fact that he hasn't tried to respond on this thread by now (yes he has a forum account)."

His last login was on 15 April.

Quote Lampo: "SE-3 posted an interesting solution, let's try it."


This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
XenanabDate: Friday, 2018-07-06, 5:37 PM | Message # 11
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Quote Lampo ()
Non possiamo bannare giocatori solo perché si sospetta, per farlo ci vogliono certezze e poi mosquiz credo sia un bravo giocatore come altri

Vero. Anche se io non avevo mai l'impressione che lui usa dei cheats, ci sono alcuni giocatori che avevano sospetti verso lui. Quindi è un tema severo e non voglio vedere altri abandonano il nostro server perché c'è qualcuno he usa dei cheats senza conseguenze.
Adesso vorrei sentire le opinioni dagli altri admin.

I would like to hear the opinion of other admins + Bubu on this.

And yes we can also try to run Punkbuster. But only if it doesn't involve rocket science to set up the game client for it to join the server ... We have to keep it easy and simple to run FHSW and join the servr for newer players.
mattroy1024Date: Friday, 2018-07-06, 9:52 PM | Message # 12
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There was some early anti-cheat software that we used in tournaments many years ago before punkbuster was implemented called 'BFSecure.' It just showed a list of all programs running in the taskmanager of everyone connected. However you would have to get every FHSW player to download the client and connect to it and someone would have to monitor it. So unlikely. I do miss punkbuster... It made this process much more efficient and less dramatic.

As far as the claims go. Yes they are hard to prove. But the fog is sacred and not to be tampered with. It was stupid of him, shooting that far thru the fog on a pretty foggy map. (The Great Pursuit)

But thanks for taking the claims seriously you guys. I kept my mouth shut for a while but his antics last weekend were over the top and worth calling out.

Thank you for the confidence Xena. I can be a whore of a player but I am zero tolerance when it comes to running hacks for many reasons. I was a "known hacker" when I played in Pixel-Fighter. I made the same offer to livestream for them but it wasn't good enough. Apparently I was so good at hacking I could fake a live stream  dry It would be easy enough to view the drama in their older forum posts. But spare yourself. It was just one Pixel admin that was a joke. The rest were fair with me.
I got accused of spawn anywhere hack, minimap, bulletproof (idiot Curt and his Cats claimed that one) and even an aimbot. All banns were lifted but I do not like playing there anyway. Community is not as likable as this one. I just thought it was important to bring up because he called me a hypocrite. I thought that might be part of his defense if he addresses the accusations. "Well Cleaner cheats so I started cheating." For anyone still defending him..... his response in the in game chat log was dubious and suspicious. If anyone feels like digging up the chat logs....

The Cleaner

Message edited by mattroy1024 - Friday, 2018-07-06, 10:22 PM
skelepietDate: Friday, 2018-07-06, 10:57 PM | Message # 13
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smile  When I was Admin,I encountered the Same Situation !
I wanted to check out a New name,enemy Pilot on Breakthrough.
Cannot find the guy notice someone shooting me,but see nothing....
Now here come's the Trick, 
I bail plane high over Main,open late to land with Chute.
No eFFin  Way in this Situation an Enemy Pilot could have read my TAG.
Still ,I read in Global Chat, zzzMosquitozzz: "Nice Bail Torquemada"
And I get filled with Joy,Because this Dumb loser just explained with this Remark, He Was Reading My TAG,from far away.
So I told him how he explained himself,and told him ;My Eye is on U!
and Within a Month,I had the same Issue mentioned above,I spawn in a Bunker,in Main Gazala Axis,and he instantly shoots me with a Plane.
That was the Proof I need to be Sure to Ban Him for Hacking.
So Yeah. I banned this Guy for Hacking ,and I think he still is using it,from certain experiences on this Server...

And for U Cleaner,stop using exploits,and give other players a chance,I seen U Dominate Battlemaps,while ur Team loses with 300+ Points Difference.
Just an Advice to make this Server Grow !  biggrin

Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Saturday, 2018-07-07, 10:51 AM | Message # 14
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Voice from greece happy :
Didnt Play for a while now, but remember some strange things recently. Especially weird accurate streams of bullets trying to touch me if I was high in the sky on supercharge 4 ex@mple and I really feel different to say that: These possibility to spawn everywhere?! And other things I tryed to remember but flown away from me like a dream during get lost in the heat of fights. But now became aware and also remember the Name zzzmosquito...
very sad but we have to Do some Thing about that.
I trust u guys to solve this. Im back maybe in a week.
Regards Robert

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
LampoDate: Saturday, 2018-07-07, 10:07 PM | Message # 15
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
Voice from greece

Have a nice holiday  wine

bubuDate: Sunday, 2018-07-08, 9:24 AM | Message # 16
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Quote mattroy1024 ()
Usually by Bubu whispering sweet nothings into my ear as he bayonets me.

biggrin happy

Quote Xenanab ()
I would like to hear the opinion of other admins + Bubu on this.


Added (2018-07-07, 9:26 PM)

Quote mattroy1024 ()
feels like digging up the chat logs....
Yep yahoo

Added (2018-07-08, 8:24 AM)
A complete, filtered, 2220 line log of what was going on from 30/06 until 07/01 for casual reading before night. 

I filtered out all IPs and console messages for smart-balance. 


Search for "6/30/2018 22:47:25 : # [Axis]The Mëltdöwn: stupid cheater zzz is not even trying to hide it tod"

Search for "7/1/2018 21:48:16 : # [Global]zzzMosquitozzz: boom boom"

Alternatively, you can search just for "zzz" and if your browser highlights findings on side (like Opera, sry Firefox), then you can see incremented spots.

After reading through messages in the log and considering the messages here, I have a suggestion but I will not publish it just now. Everyone, including Mosqui, will have to wait for conclusion. And it can come in any time happy

LampoDate: Sunday, 2018-07-08, 6:05 PM | Message # 17
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I was reading all chat logs, please ban lampo... he is a spammer, always off topic and instead of playing he wastes his time in unuseless chatting... then one of the most word he writes is "sry", that means he is a professional team killer.  yes

For the mosquitos case, he didn't do anything wrong, neither in chat neither in game. I read a lot of accusation but only from the same players. If he was a real cheater he should have more accusations form other players. In my opinion the best thing to do is "taking a breath" and restart  to play for fun and for spending our time to relieve stress and not "vice versa "

Message edited by Lampo - Sunday, 2018-07-08, 6:06 PM
Born-1942Date: Tuesday, 2018-07-10, 10:03 PM | Message # 18
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I think we should not have a punkbuster right now because we're not in serious trouble with cheats / hackers, so we should not think about it right now and I think if it was done now, a lot of players would not be joining maybe.

about the cheat guy I have a strange feeling too but I can not blame him for anything because I do not have a concrete proof. My opinion xD

is a very important discussion if it is really a cheat we have to be careful this can spread and would not be good of course.  fool  confused  broken (worried)

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
xxpollenzxxDate: Saturday, 2018-07-14, 5:35 PM | Message # 19
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I just read this. Fucking sad. Im playing WoT again and sometimes forgot to jump here on weekends and when I check the forum found this whitch hunt again that brings me bad memories from 10 years ago on our Argentinian Server. Since then I really fucking hate cheaters (I didn't like them by that time, but from then is plain hate).
I consider myself a really good player (at least on BF) and can say that Cleaner is another fucking hell of a good player without cheats. And if someone like him is saying that another one use cheats (and with proof), I have no doubts about it. Make me sad cuz is not a random new player but an old player, but unless he comes here to apologyze, he is now on my list of idiots that can't play a fair game.

That beeing said. I do have another thing to say:
It's ok that Cleaner, Meltdown and the other one (I really don't know who is Hitman) communicate each other. But please, dont be dicks and change sides if you get in opposite sides (I guess that I don't have to mention about revealing position when in opposite sides). In the first place, unbalance the server and because of that someone will get in the other side when he might was happy on his starting side. In second place, sometimes is not fun neither having all the good players on only one side and you on the other trying to make teamwork with a bucn of new ones or baddies -.-
rickardsvDate: Thursday, 2018-07-19, 11:18 PM | Message # 20
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That beeing said. I do have another thing to say:
It's ok that Cleaner, Meltdown and the other one (I really don't know who is Hitman) communicate each other. But please, dont be dicks and change sides if you get in opposite sides (I guess that I don't have to mention about revealing position when in opposite sides). In the first place, unbalance the server and because of that someone will get in the other side when he might was happy on his starting side. In second place, sometimes is not fun neither having all the good players on only one side and you on the other trying to make teamwork with a bucn of new ones or baddies -.-

You could enforce a rule like the Japanese Kabu server (Kabu.Server on Gametracker) where it's forbidden to switch sides and you get a kick if you do. Admins could keep track on how often it happens and after enough offenses place a temporary ban.

This would prevent "teamstacking", where players who are very skilled or buddies join the same team and dominate the game, making it harder for less experienced players to have an even fight.

It would force players who don't know each other as well to start co-operating and teaming up, perhaps giving more experienced players a chance to transport newbies to the right place or navigate through the map optimally, using squad tactics with people other than your pro buddies. I have a feeling people do this already, but maybe not enough? The "Buddy" system on the TAB scoreboard menu is BF1942's version of the Squad system in later games, would be nice to see it used more often outside the "top players".

One downside to having a no teamswitch rule is if you have a friend you really want to play together with and not against, maybe with mics or in a LAN setting.



Message edited by rickardsv - Thursday, 2018-07-19, 11:32 PM
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