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avoid all new AMD cards starting from the 5000 series
E-3Date: Wednesday, 2020-03-11, 10:37 PM | Message # 1
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 195
Awards: 9
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For people buying a new computer avoid all new AMD graphics cards  starting from the  5000 series  because of issues with battlefield 1942. Last November 2019 came the first report that the new amd rx 5700 is having issues with battlefield 1942 having no crosshair visible. Please see link.


a few weeks later I noticed somebody having similar issues on reddit please see link. https://u.to/jUXAFw

Then this year on discord I noticed another person having the same issues then I got told that another person is having the same issues on Battlefield Vietnam which is not surprising because the Battlefield Vietnam uses exactly the same engine as battlefield 1942.See screenshot.

and this.  https://helloclan.eu/threads/8990/

I have very little hope AMD is going to fix this driver issue on such a old game, therefore I have no other option then to do damage control and warn every Battlefield 1942 community about this issue.
However if AMD decides to fix the issue I will remove reports from every community forum I posted this on. Only the future will tell what will happen.

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Wednesday, 2020-03-11, 10:43 PM
waldhurzakDate: Thursday, 2020-03-12, 1:04 AM | Message # 2
Group: Trusted
Messages: 87
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Status: Offline
many thanks for this info E-3

then its problem on newest "Navi" Radeon cards

Best Bf1942 version for FHSW:


Message edited by waldhurzak - Thursday, 2020-03-12, 1:05 AM
E-3Date: Thursday, 2020-03-12, 4:02 PM | Message # 3
Lieutenant Colonel
Group: Bronze Donator
Messages: 195
Awards: 9
Reputation: 9
Status: Offline
looks like rx 5700 and old games dont mix at all https://www.reddit.com/r....ibility

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
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