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AFK (n)
CanukAttakDate: Thursday, 2017-11-16, 2:16 AM | Message # 21
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Sorry I'm not into well used lampo's, I need holes that are tight not where I can slide my arm in! Le vaffanculo
LampoDate: Thursday, 2017-11-16, 6:24 PM | Message # 22
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Quote xxpollenzxx ()
I might see the movie of 1963, is on my must see list
I watched it some time ago... meh, not bad

LampoDate: Thursday, 2017-11-16, 6:27 PM | Message # 23
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Quote CanukAttak ()
Sorry I'm not into well used lampo's, I need holes that are tight not where I can slide my arm in! Le vaffanculo
dio de dio...

E-3Date: Friday, 2018-01-19, 11:50 AM | Message # 24
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i be afk for a while im very sick now i  got 39.5c fever
my whole body aches can't be more as 5 minutes out of bed sad before i'm getting dizzy

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
bubuDate: Friday, 2018-01-19, 3:17 PM | Message # 25
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Omg, get some parazetamol  wacko  and better soon!
RADIOSMERSHDate: Friday, 2018-01-19, 5:20 PM | Message # 26
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Yeah, wishing you speedy recovery!
LampoDate: Friday, 2018-01-19, 6:01 PM | Message # 27
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Quote E-3 ()
i be afk for a while im very sick now i  got 39.5c fever my whole body aches can't be more as 5 minutes out of bed before i'm getting dizzy

get well asap or ban

E-3Date: Wednesday, 2018-01-24, 11:07 PM | Message # 28
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Quote bubu ()
Omg, get some parazetamol and better soon
yeah im taking that but it not lower my fever at all  sad
 it's been a week now i still have a high fever and feel like shit
i have called my doctor he say to call back on Monday if i don't have improvement sad

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
bubuDate: Wednesday, 2018-01-24, 11:21 PM | Message # 29
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Quote E-3 ()
it's been a week now i still have a high fever and feel like shit
Antiobiotics, ASAP. And plain water.   A week with fever is NOT "wait till Monday".  I've been there, done that, it did not help, I almost died, I'm never letting doctors do that again.  Call him back even now :|

I am not joking at all :/
Born-1942Date: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 4:53 PM | Message # 30
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I really hope you get well E-3, we're waiting for you on the battlefield.  smile

Nicknames BornDarkness and Soldado da Wehrmacht
E-3Date: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 6:48 PM | Message # 31
Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Quote bubu ()
    Antiobiotics, ASAP. And plain water. A week with fever is NOT "wait till Monday". I've been there, done that, it did not help, I almost died, I'm never letting doctors do that again. Call him back even now :| I am not joking at all :/
    well on your advice  i pushed through a bit and now my doctor is comming tomorrow so I'm  very happy with that smile

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 8:38 PM | Message # 32
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Don´t trust ur doctor man !!! The only way they earn money is if u are ill, take a look to ur health in ur own way, or drink a lots of alcohol  that desinfects u from inside biggrin 

Get well soon!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
GameplayerDate: Thursday, 2018-01-25, 8:54 PM | Message # 33
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E-3 man I think you have very bad influenza, take some medical pills (antibiotics or more effective pills) and get better now. Hopefully influenza should not be very long maybe 2 weeks and then you should be alright. Remember to drink much WATER! Do not drink much anything else. That's my suggestions. In Finland we have much influenza moving right now many my school friends are sick now and I think they have same thing than you. Get better E-3.


Hates too quick judgement.

aka Gameplayer or Gameplayer500
CanukAttakDate: Friday, 2018-01-26, 8:46 AM | Message # 34
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Water is good but keeps you dehydrated actually cause your not getting enough salt intake. Should drink as well Gatorade don't know if you guys have it out there basically what athletes use to help replenish their electrolytes
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Friday, 2018-01-26, 1:31 PM | Message # 35
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Gatorade is for system yupies. Go back to nature and make a brine / salt spring with Himalaya krystall salt. From that spring take a small spoon (tea spoon in german) in a glas of 200 ml water and drink it a few times a dayVery important: don´t use the water comes out of ur waterpipe, but high quality bottles water in glas bottles, for example "Lauretana" All this because u make something to drink what is very close to ur blood and ur body can absorb it in a very natural way.
Yes and of course what canouk sayed to get electrolytes in ur body what is essential for the electrical synapsis that stear a lot in ur brain and body at all, if electricity can´t flow in a nice way ur body doesn´t run without issues.

Added (2018-01-26, 12:31 PM)
Well of course: if u don´t have the time or the head to do a salt spring, grab gatorade of couse , its better than nothing, sry!!!

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
E-3Date: Friday, 2018-01-26, 5:19 PM | Message # 36
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Quote Robert_von_Eberhahn ()
Don´t trust ur doctor man !!! The only way they earn money is if u are ill, take a look to ur health in ur own way, or drink a lots of alcohol that desinfects u from inside Get well soon!
i do trust my doctor he does not do 10 years of medical school for nothing  tongue 
anyway my docter say i got bad Respiratory infection i got prescribe amoxicilline 500mg antibiotic .

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.
LampoDate: Friday, 2018-01-26, 5:44 PM | Message # 37
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my personal experience: each autumn I take a break with 7 days of relax in Liguria, sea and fresh air. Then I start e apple and cinnamon diet... every day, a lot of seasonal fruit and nothing else. I never catch a cold since 10 years... Then, ok... I have a lot of problem with pancreas and kidneys but that's another story because I ve been poisoned with an oleander salad... a stupid joke by some "friends".  dry
Get well and see you soon
Do you like a salad ????  smile

Message edited by Lampo - Friday, 2018-01-26, 5:44 PM
E-3Date: Sunday, 2018-01-28, 11:38 PM | Message # 38
Lieutenant Colonel
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i'm back baby antibiotics kick ass smile

I'm an old bf1942 player I go far back all the way to 2002
and I also play cnc generals.

Message edited by E-3 - Sunday, 2018-01-28, 11:38 PM
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Tuesday, 2018-02-27, 8:10 PM | Message # 39
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Gone from 2. March to 10. March on a trip to Las Vegas 

two days job, rest are "holidays"


Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
CanukAttakDate: Saturday, 2018-03-17, 5:58 AM | Message # 40
Group: Friends
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Hey guys sorry I haven't been around, been busy with work and my woman. Weekends are me and the woman's time, and because of work and the time difference it can be hard for me to get on. But as soon as I can we can have some good fights! And listen to my ranting!
