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Server-side modding 0.552 (r)
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2015-01-11, 5:19 PM | Message # 1
Group: Admins
Messages: 1237
Awards: 38
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Status: Offline
A Day of Zitadelle
  • Prince Umeboshi ssm

    Air Raid Alert Kure
  • replaced Ise with Oyodo (Ise causes crash)
  • removed japanese repair ship so the objective fleet units do not get repaired on their own any longer
  • moved Allied airplanes closer to Japanese base (distance now roughly the same as pre-0.55)
  • removed auto resupply of B29

  • removed 20 landvehicles to reduce disconnects and lag
  • moved 203 mm howitzer to Axis airfield
  • killercage size reduced from 25 m to 5 m
  • increased time to capture a flag

    Arctic Convoy Mod
  • removed 1 supply ship

  • Removed: Panthers, JagdPanther, Panzer IV Ausf. H, StuG 3G, one of two Tigers
  • Removed: Kubelwagen and Kettenkrad. Reason: decreasing the probability of the most northern flag back capping at the beginning of a game
  • Added: SturmTiger - it doesn't get spawned immediately at the beginning of a round, you need to wait a few minutes for it to appear; it DOESN'T GET RESPAWNED once destroyed!
  • Added: Brummbar and second Puma
  • Added: One Sdkfz.251 and one SdKfz251/9 Stummel as the replacement of Kubelwagen and Kettenkrad
  • Changed: Slightly increased respawn time of vehicles
  • Changed: Initial spawn time of the Tiger was delayed by few minutes
  • PIAT ammo changed from 2 to 4
  • all 6 pounders are mobile

    Battle of Bougainville
  • lowered objective HP of Allied airfields

    Battle of Britain
  • removed spawnpoints at Allied airfields

    Battle of Gela
  • North flag caged
  • Beach flag cannot be recaptured by Axis team

    Battle of Stalingrad
  • replaced MG Stuka with bomb Stuka

    Berlin Outskirts
  • removed T-IV-100 (Russian Tiger)
  • replaced Maus with Elephant

    Battle of Angaur
  • replaced Lion with Jenkins (Fletcher class destroyer)
  • the additional Japanese spawn point in the woods (south of flag 5) gets removed when Allies take the last flag
  • removed Japanese spawn APC
  • Aircraft carrier immobilized
  • replaced LST-1 with 2x LCT Mk 5 because it's bugged and causes lags

    Bombing the Reich
  • lowered objective HP from 260.000 to 100.000

    Desert Rose
  • Ark Royal spawns at the start to lock it for the Germans

    El Alamein
  • replaced bugged Wellington VII with regular Wellington bomber
  • removed 2 fighter spawns for each side
  • increased plane respawn times
  • South flag in German possession at round start

    Falaise pocket
  • Added: The southernmost flag was caged to avoid back-capping
  • Changed: Reduced the quantity of tanks

    Fall Weiss
  • Added: Polish airfield flag was caged to avoid back-capping

    FHT Hongkong
  • ticket bleed altered: Japanese bleed as long GB holds 3 flags

    FHT Pasir Panjang
  • reduced pushcage size at rice field flag

  • replaced bugged Wellington VII with regular Wellington bomber

  • fixed a bug which made the Japanese cruiser Agano not spawn, now spawns when Allies take the village flag because the Allied cruiser also only spawns when the Japanese take that flag
  • "Bloody Ridge" flag in US possession/"Village" flag in Japanese possession at round start

  • moved flag 4 to its original (pre 0.55) position for balance reasons

    Invasion of the Philippines
  • Japanese airplanes don't respawn when US takes the last flag

    Iwo Jima (vanilla)
  • Removed: All air counter spawns

    Kharkov Winter
  • East flag in German possession at round start

  • increased submarine respawn time

    Omaha Beach Charlie Sector
  • removed FT-17s

    Operation Hailstone
  • increased respawn time of Allied carrier aircraft
  • removed repair ability of Japanese supply ships

    Operation Kikusui Day 1
  • removed all Japanese ships except Yamato

    Operation Kikusui Day 2
  • moved US ships and planes closer to Japanese base (distance now roughly the same as pre-0.55)
  • replaced HMS Lion with a second USS South Dakota (Lion causes crash)

    Operation Rattrap
  • nerfed 50 lbs charge so it doesn't destroy all turrets of the Ratte with one blow

    Operation Spring Awakening
  • removed 1 flag
  • replaced ISU 122 with SU-122P
  • reduced ticket bleed

    Ramelle Neuville
  • Added: additional sandbag walls on the stone bridge to halt the German tanks. These go vanished as soon as both of "1st" flags get captured by Germans.

  • removed T-IV-100 (Russian Tiger)

    Road to Ramelle
  • fixed a bug related to Radio B25 and Radio Stuka

  • Battleships, Carrier: 4:55 - 5:05 min respawn time
  • Cruisers (Hood, Eugen): 3:50 - 4:00 min respawn time
  • Repair ships: 3:50 - 4:10 min respawn time
  • Destroyers: (Lance & Laforey) 1:30 min respawn time;
  • U-bots: 0:45 min respawn time
  • Removed Ju-88
  • He111-H-11 replaced with He111-Z Zwilling

  • north and south flag cannot be recapped

    Seelow Heights
  • reduced pushcage size

    Spurning Fate Day
  • replaced one SU-76 with ZSU 37

    Stalingrad Red Square
  • Prince Umeboshi ssm

    The Forgotten Jungle
  • Allies have to cap beach flag first, all others are caged

    The Storm
  • replaced T34 with T-34_1942

  • removed one Stuka
  • Stuka respawn time increased

    Tulagi Island
  • North flag removed

    Warsaw Uprising
  • Manholes no longer respawn
  • removed Panther and 14TP

    Old thread: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-44-13

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2016-10-22, 4:42 PM | Message # 261
    Group: Admins
    Messages: 1237
    Awards: 38
    Reputation: 19
    Status: Offline
    Should it even spawn at all? I prefer it more as inf only map. (Not to mention that it has absolutely no historical reason to be there.)

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris
    mardukDate: Saturday, 2016-10-22, 9:39 PM | Message # 262
    Group: Admins
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    Status: Offline
    I think it is ok when the train is on the map just at the beginning and does not respawn.

    This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

    Quid pro quo.

    Marduk aka Postduk
    XenanabDate: Saturday, 2016-10-22, 11:01 PM | Message # 263
    Group: Silver Donator
    Messages: 465
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    Status: Offline
    Apparantly on Redsquare the train has the most useful appearance. On the other maps it became pretty gimmicky in my opinion.
    There needs to be a map, completely dedicated to the concept of the train. And I can't do it sad
    Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Sunday, 2016-10-23, 0:33 AM | Message # 264
    Lieutenant General
    Group: Silver Donator
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    Armoured train was more sensefull in early war theatre I think ...

    BTW way to Paris is a pain in the ass for French. I did play 2 times now for French and this map in this constallation no more at last Why is Tortoise missing here for example, can´t follow that really ...

    Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
    Korsakov829Date: Sunday, 2016-10-23, 2:48 AM | Message # 265
    Group: Blocked
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    Stuka on Ilomantsi could use an upgrade. 250kg bombs aren't enough for the Soviet tanks, they're just allowed to swarm the early flags without fear.

    Don't suppose I could help? I'd just need a tip to get FHSW working with Ed42.
    Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2016-10-23, 9:09 AM | Message # 266
    Group: Admins
    Messages: 1237
    Awards: 38
    Reputation: 19
    Status: Offline
    New thread: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/forum/35-794-1

    My Youtube Channel
    aka eYe.ris