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FHSWdev's Twitter pictures (m)
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2013-04-08, 7:58 PM | Message # 41
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I use 3ds max. An alternative is Blender but I don't know if the required export/import Battlefield tools are available for it.

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aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2013-04-08, 9:23 PM | Message # 42
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I can't see pic anymore. i uplmoad it via mine host:

HypilotDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 0:16 AM | Message # 43
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New things maybe. Don't know what they are though.


crazygameloverDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 2:35 AM | Message # 44
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First one most likely a British MkII light tank. Second one looks like an Italian M11-39. Third one could be a T-100, except the tank in this picture has a turret at the back, the T-100 doesn't. Fourth is a lighter caliber of the 203mm B-4. Fifth one is a heavy tank but not sure where it might be from or what it even is. Sixth is most likely a German helicopter. Seventh could be a British cruiser. Eighth one is a different model of the T-34. Ninth is a Japanese BN5 Kate, most likely.
firebolt5Date: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 5:52 AM | Message # 45
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Fifth one looks like the FCM F1.
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 12:34 PM | Message # 46
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Nice find but I somehow doubt that these are all finished models, why would he only show an icon instead of his real work?

Third one is a Type 95 Heavy Tank and the chopper (autogyro) is a Kayaba Ka-1.

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aka eYe.ris
RADIOSMERSHDate: Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 2:29 PM | Message # 47
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The ship is the U.S. Iowa Pennsylvania-class battleship.

Message edited by RADIOSMERSH - Tuesday, 2013-06-18, 2:34 PM
SimoHayhaDate: Wednesday, 2013-06-19, 2:44 PM | Message # 48
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the helicopter looks like it could be the Kayaba Ka-1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayaba_Ka-1

the 2nd tank down on the right side(witht eh 2 big turrets) looks like fcmf1

the bottom tank on the left side could be t-43 but thats just a guess

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MannsDate: Thursday, 2013-06-20, 3:26 PM | Message # 49
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Wasn't the T89 the older version of the T95 Hago ?

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2013-06-20, 7:33 PM | Message # 50
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According to wikipedia it's a medium tank so it's more a predecessor of the Chi-Ha.

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aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2013-06-23, 11:20 AM | Message # 51
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1th is a Japanese Type 94 TK
2nd tank is a Japanese Type 92 Heavy Armoured Car
3nd is the Type 89 I-Go
4th looks like the 152 mm gun M1935 (Br-2)
5th is the FCM F1
6th is the Kayaba Ka-1
7th is for me unknow
8th looks a T-34/76 tank
9th B6N1 or B5N2 Tenzan

Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2013-06-23, 1:52 PM | Message # 52
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Quote (Fritz-Kempf)
1th is a Japanese Type 94 TK
2nd tank is a Japanese Type 92 Heavy Armoured Car

Yep, looks like that's right. Good job!

Quote (Fritz-Kempf)
3nd is the Type 89 I-Go

As I posted above imo that looks more like a Type 95 Heavy Tank

The ship is the U.S. Iowa Pennsylvania-class battleship.

Somehow I've found two contradictory drawings, the first one looks almost exactly like the ship in the picture: http://www.voodoo-world.cz/battleships/pics/sch_pennsylvania.jpg
But look at this one, it's different (smoke stack position is off for example): http://www.coatneyhistory.com/PennsylvaniaONI.JPG

Do you know what's up with that?

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Sunday, 2013-06-23, 3:23 PM | Message # 53
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Quote (Endless_Nameless)
As I posted above imo that looks more like a Type 95 Heavy Tank

Yeah, sorry. I post the wrong name. It was this one i means.
Fritz-KempfDate: Wednesday, 2013-07-03, 10:48 PM | Message # 54
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A new aircraft carrier. Japanese?

SimoHayhaDate: Friday, 2013-07-05, 1:27 PM | Message # 55
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i really wanna get my hands on that new helicopter! i have a feeling it will possibly be fitted with something like depth charges for anti submarine duty, as this was experimented with..

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yuuyaDate: Friday, 2013-07-26, 10:37 AM | Message # 56
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Edit by eYe: sized the pics down a bit.
Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2013-07-26, 2:23 PM | Message # 57
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Hi yuuya, welcome to our forum. smile

Nice models, I love ships. happy Can you please give us a bit more info what these are? I know the second one is the Yamato but what did you change and what's the purpose of the model?

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
yuuyaDate: Friday, 2013-07-26, 5:29 PM | Message # 58
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Since it is machine translation, please forgive unsightly one.

Can you please give us a bit more info what these are?

1st Casablanca Class Escort Carrier. WIP
2nd Yamato Class BattleShip Musashi in Battle of Leyte Gulf. Completed


what's the purpose of the model?
purpose ?
There is neither the purpose nor a meaning.
It is because I love all the warships. smile
Therefore, I participate in a developer, make a model and am writing the code.

Endless_NamelessDate: Friday, 2013-07-26, 8:30 PM | Message # 59
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Thank you, always nice to have a dev in the forum!

With purpose I meant on which map do you want to use it (bad phrasing on my part, sorry), but I guess you answered that as well (Leyte Gulf). wink

btw. Do you also plan to make ships for other nations besides Japan and USA? biggrin

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
SimoHayhaDate: Saturday, 2013-07-27, 10:34 AM | Message # 60
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does the escort carrier have 2 elevator hangars?

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