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Pick up and spawnkits in FHSW available (m)
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 1:00 PM | Message # 1
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Hello Forum!

I made this thread actually because I´m looking for an anti tank spawnclass axis with min 2 Panzerfaust 30 and a Walther P08. I know it´s located on any map but I can´t remember. I need it for the FHT tournament that Khaine can mod it in the map.
Any references apreciated.

Further we can use this thread as an archive or maybe anyone can implement it in the FHSW Wikia?

Thx in advance, Robert

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
XenanabDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 2:10 PM | Message # 2
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If you can't find a certain weapon kit just create it for yourself ;-)
The Flettner pilot kit on Eagle's Nest has been a new creation by me. You have to add a specific object folder in the map's objects folder. But Khaine should be already aware of that.

Now if you want Faust 30 with 2 shots then you have to do some weapon tweaking and add certain lines of code that it has a mag size of 2 instead of 1.

Just look at Eagle's Nest: There I have modified spawn kits and ammunition amount. For example the VG-1 has only 3 magazines instead of the usual 5. The Panzerschreck has only 2 bullets instead of the ordinary 4. Allies only have 1 satchel instead of 2, etc, etc.

You can change everything if you add weapon tweaking codes in the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con. Not only infantry weapons.

For example the Jagdtiger on Berlin-1945: It has far less shells stored and a longer reload time has been modiefied for it. You only need a few lines of code for that.
The broken Tiger on Alpenfestung is also changed that way.
The PT boats on Ocean town carry only 1 water mine instad of 8.

You can do everything.

Sorry, at the moment I can't give you samples of these codes, since on my gaming laptop I don't do FHSW mapping :/
wewakDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 2:30 PM | Message # 3
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Yeah it should be easy to make it from a similar kit, for example in Earned in Blood you have a panzerfaust 60 kit with two shots, but no walther P08.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 5:30 PM | Message # 4
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biggrin thx for this revelation but I´m an absolute noob in moding / coding bag and you would agree that it´s absolute senseless to explain a cow the finetuning in traveling to the moon uhm

So if it´s possible just do it please notworthy

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
XenanabDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 7:17 PM | Message # 5
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I show you guys the weapon tweaking code of the ObjectSpawnTemplates.con of fht_High_Appenines-1945:

rem *****************************************************************
rem *****************************************************************
rem Weapon Tweak
rem *****************************************************************
rem *****************************************************************

ObjectTemplate.Active Panzershreck
ObjectTemplate.numOfMag 3

ObjectTemplate.Active ExpPack
ObjectTemplate.magSize 2

ObjectTemplate.Active GrenadeAllies
ObjectTemplate.magSize 1

ObjectTemplate.Active GrenadeAxis
ObjectTemplate.magSize 1

ObjectTemplate.Active DeLisleScoped
ObjectTemplate.numOfMag 6

rem *****************************************************************
rem *****************************************************************

This Weapon Tweak section is located right before the normal object spawn templates are coded. But the order is not important.

Important is to distinguish between .numOfMag and .magSize.
- The first one describes how many magazines the weapon mentioned in the row before has.
- The latter describes how big the magazine of that weapon is.

This tweak above will cause that the Panzerschreck kit will only has 3 bullets instead of 4. There will only be 2 expacks for the specops kit. And the soldiers can only carry a single grenade instead of 2.
The DeLisle will only have 6 magazines with 11 bullets in it.
If I had changed the .magSize of that I could have created magazines which contain 15 bullets for example ... Well of course you should still keep these tweaks accurate and realistic :P

The row ObjectTemplate.Active initiates on what weapon the tweak will cause an effect globally everywhere where this weapon is actually used. Of course you have to type in the exact name of that weapon here.
You can find these exact names on FHSW's Objects library where all the HandWeapons are located.

IMPORTANT: If you type these tweaks in and open your map after that with ED42 and save the map again, all your codes will be erased since ED42 always recreates .con files anew after a succesful safe.
So you should always store backup weapon tweak codes somewhere on your computer.

I hope this will help Khaine in creating any kit that is needed to balance this campaign.
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Monday, 2015-11-23, 7:31 PM | Message # 6
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OK understand that in basic. My wish is an AT spawnclass with 1x P08 and 2x Panzerfaust and 1x Knife and one or two Molotovs

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Stefan1990Date: Monday, 2015-11-23, 7:55 PM | Message # 7
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a spawn kit would be awesome (squadleaderkit)
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Wednesday, 2015-12-02, 10:43 PM | Message # 8
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most time it´s there (Squadleaderkit with binoc and smoke) but if u make it with MP everybody who expects close combat will take it. Engine of FH² has a big advantage there in limitation of spawnkits and so on sad

Added (2015-12-02, 9:43 PM)
Topic explosives: this overpowered explosive charge of TNT or what ever the allies have on ratrap, that is 50 pounds iirc? Is there another piece with 25 pounds available or do I rember false? If its available, where to find it?

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
Endless_NamelessDate: Thursday, 2015-12-03, 6:33 PM | Message # 9
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At a quick glance I can only see the 50 lbs explosive, the regular satchels and the Japanese Type 99 quad stack in the files.

My Youtube Channel
aka eYe.ris
Robert_von_EberhahnDate: Thursday, 2015-12-03, 11:02 PM | Message # 10
Lieutenant General
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OK many thx for looking! Actually Khaine have choosen one and in game if I look on the explosive charge is shown 25 lbs. But I didn´t try it out. Will see tomorrow.

Gameserver admin on our FHSW Europ server
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