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FHSW 0.5 discussion (r)
Mr_JDate: Friday, 2012-03-02, 7:35 PM | Message # 41
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Thank you Vano.
Mr_JDate: Sunday, 2012-03-11, 5:40 PM | Message # 42
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I dont know if it has been posted already,

Brewster F2A Buffalo, made by Frank

and Finnish version, Brewster B.239
Stefan1990Date: Wednesday, 2012-03-14, 11:05 PM | Message # 43
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frank poste this pic on twitter! perhaps a clue to a release of new version soon?

GreenShiftDate: Thursday, 2012-03-15, 5:13 PM | Message # 44
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Quit teasing! Lets gooooooooo biggrin
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2012-03-17, 2:46 PM | Message # 45
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According to wiki+devblog the Oyodo (thanks slobo btw) was built as a "flagship for attack groups of submarines". And the last part of the devblot translates to
The fact that the ship was headed for the submarine can expect in the future ...? FHSW0.5 (tentative name) is still unpublished elements in preparation! Please look forward to further news!

which perhaps indicates that they plan to add Japanese subs. Cool, eh? smile

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aka eYe.ris

Message edited by Endless_Nameless - Saturday, 2012-03-17, 2:58 PM
ACEDate: Sunday, 2012-03-18, 5:52 AM | Message # 46
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I got 5 bucks saying that the I-400 is among them, I mean that class just has to be!
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-04-16, 11:22 PM | Message # 47
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Has anyone else seen the screenshot where they placed the T26E2 from latest dev blog news on an unfamiliar map?

I knew that I've seen it somewhere and indeed it's one of the maps that were in the mappack I downloaded some time ago:

It's Alaska 1948, USA vs Soviet Union. Russians start on a Gnevny destroyer and have to fight their way through a city than airfield and at last a more plain area. You can download the map pack here: Available for users only

I can see that the static B-29 in the hangar has been deleted in their version.

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aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 4:42 PM | Message # 48
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Awsome map pack. I hate 2 maps already (i'm testing now) but the Fall of Liberty is f**** Awsome! The T26E2, King Tiger late, Jagdtiger. Rebuilt the static objects and replace some vehicles (Shermans with Perschings, King Tigerearly) with E-100 tank, Panzer IV with E-50, Panther with E-75, Jagdpanther with Jagdpanzer E-100, Brummbar with Bar) and this map is great!
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:36 PM | Message # 49
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Some of the 0.5 vehicles would definitely fit well on this map.

But I'm more a fan of Mannerheim line because the T-35 is finally a feared tank on that map and it's a rather small Push map that fits our player count. smile

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aka eYe.ris
Fritz-KempfDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:41 PM | Message # 50
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Who have twitter and send those idea's to them?

Ok, the maps.

Stahles Monsters and the Finland vs Russland map with the big river, both i hate them.
Fall of Singapore, not test it complete but the map looks awsome!
Alaska, nice done!
Mannerheim: cool map. Snow and Finland.
Fall of Liberty (see comment above) But yeah, what you think after see that!

West Berlin: i like the idea. But bad comments. This is Berlin 1945 in FH and FHSW:

But not that!

The idea is great! I love the idea and i love this map already. But destroy the city until the ruins and make the date a few years later so it is a Rebuilt Berlin version and i love it. But before i forgot, don't use the Elefant. They have never see action on the end of the war and not very much (very low numbers) vehicles have see that end. While the Jagdtiger, a lot of them are be captured by the Americans.

Bombing Japan. Its just Bombing The reich but fixed (German weapons replaced by Japanese and most British replace by USA). But the idea is great! FHSW Bombing the Reich is a succes! Each event we play it! Make sure the B-29 got a bether texture (because i hate the texture) and make sure we feel us in the pacific and its awsome!!!

I hope they add the maps i like in the new version!!! Because i love it! Maybe a Bombing The USA? This Bomber plane want to be add on in the mod?

I love to test this pack. Nice to meet the IS-3, T26E2, the new handguns, the idea's and of course the Maus turret. Damn that is strong armor!!!

Message edited by Fritz-Kempf - Monday, 2012-04-30, 5:50 PM
Endless_NamelessDate: Monday, 2012-04-30, 6:00 PM | Message # 51
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I think the maps were made by Japanese community members and not by the devs. Quality and historical background is pretty bad on some of them. But Alaska is well made so that could be a reason why they maybe add it in 0.5.

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aka eYe.ris
xGoldxDate: Friday, 2012-05-18, 10:55 PM | Message # 52
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what time to release 0.5 version ? I cant wait smile
Endless_NamelessDate: Saturday, 2012-05-19, 12:09 PM | Message # 53
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We don't know the release date exactely it's still written in the stars it seems, FHSWman said somewhen in the next weeks but I'm confused by ningen's statement on the last event because he dated it around August. Don't know if that was serious or not. sad wacko

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aka eYe.ris
MannsDate: Saturday, 2012-05-19, 12:53 PM | Message # 54
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honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Endless_NamelessDate: Sunday, 2012-05-20, 3:23 PM | Message # 55
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"Translated" for our page: http://fhsw-europ.ucoz.de/publ/armored_supporters/1-1-0-21 smile

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2012-06-19, 7:22 AM | Message # 56
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PrinceUmeboshi stats of the last weeks can be seen here on gametracker.
Dead or not dead, have a lock for yourself:

So, whats up now with version 0.5?
Nobody in contact with the japanese?

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Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
Endless_NamelessDate: Tuesday, 2012-06-19, 9:49 AM | Message # 57
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They changed the server, here's the new one: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Don't panic, 0.5 will come, I'm 10000000% sure. smile
FHSWman said that he wants to release it before "the Day of Zitadelle" (July 5th to 16th), but like his other statements about the release date don't take it too seriously.

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aka eYe.ris
mardukDate: Tuesday, 2012-06-19, 3:09 PM | Message # 58
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@eye: only one click on the link to their new server and I'm so fukn jealous... 52 players just at the moment I clicked on it biggrin

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Marduk aka Postduk
MannsDate: Friday, 2012-06-22, 1:26 AM | Message # 59
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I think this weekend will be the big release wink

honor and duty

Private [DPB]Styv signed up for military service on ranked battlefields at 19:04:56 30|07|2008 in ForgottenHope 1
Fritz-KempfDate: Friday, 2012-06-22, 10:58 AM | Message # 60
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We think this already a few months.