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Mainbase Raping
basilonemoh7Date: Saturday, 2021-06-12, 10:03 PM | Message # 1
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And Bubu and Duck, who came on late, didn't even warn players and I put my complaints in chat.

I was killed repeatedly in base on Prok and Pavlov and nothing was done. Rainbow Dash in the Ferdinand on Prok and Jey as inf on Pavlov. And others. 

Rule #1: 
  • 1. Dont attack or enter uncapturable mainbases! Only planes are excepted from this rule. Temporary pushmap-uncaps are considered as uncapturable mainbases.
    Exception: You are allowed to attack the British mainbases on "Operation Rattrap" as long as the Ratte is in visible distance!

And players complained cause I teamswitched and whacked them while they were doing their crap.

Yes, I do know what an admin job is as I did it for 6 years. You watch gameplay and start warning when you see complaints. I commented on Pavlov that "Mainbase raping is ok on this map" and Bubu, an admin, says "evidently so." What the hell is wrong with you?

And I don't need comments from Death about what an admin job is.

John Basilone
Medal of Honor Winner
KIA Iwo Jima
twistedkebabfaceDate: Saturday, 2021-06-12, 10:35 PM | Message # 2
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Yeah, you probably need to go to the law courses. Wanting to enforce the rules, yet TKing people... Nice, Basilone, nice.

Hello, it's [FHSW] KEBab_RETurns. And i'm making good kebabs from my enemies.
DeathDate: Saturday, 2021-06-12, 11:59 PM | Message # 3
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  • 2. Teamkilling on purpose and damaging/destroying own equipment is forbidden!
  • 4. Insulting other players, racial slurs and excessive foul language will be punished with a ban! This rule also applies to Team Speak!
  • 6. Cheaters and exploit users will be banned!

First of all Basilone read the rules. Rule #1 does not say you have permission in ANY circumstance to switch teams and teamkill someone if they are base camping or anything. You tell an Admin and they deal with the situation. You do NOT have permission to take matters into your own hands even if you feel the Admin was not acting fast enough.
Under no circumstance should you take matters into your own hands, that is not the job of an average player.

Your actions in changing teams, teamkilling someone and then switching back to your teams, violates rule 2 and even rule 6 as switching teams to kill someone and then going back to your original team can be considered cheating. Can you imagine everyone doing that? 

Your toxic behavior as well could violate rule #4, you don't listen, you repeatedly do the same thing over and over.
You have an extremely negative attitude, defiance to admins, not listening, repeating actions are highly toxic and when you switch teams to fix spawn camping you annoy everyone on the server.

As long as it says ADMIN under my name on this forum YOU WILL be getting comments from me about your behavior.
You are not an admin and you have no permission or right to take matters into your own hands.

If you continue with this attitude and continue to keep intentionally team killing and switching teams I will speak with the other admins and propose that you be perma banned. End of story.

pfcbluemaxDate: Sunday, 2021-06-13, 2:31 PM | Message # 4
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Like I said Ingame put me in as admin for 1 month I will train all admins then go back to player.
LampoDate: Monday, 2021-06-14, 7:36 PM | Message # 5
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Quote pfcbluemax ()
put me in as admin for 1 month
I just need 1 minute and I empty the server.  cool

pfcbluemaxDate: Monday, 2021-06-14, 8:25 PM | Message # 6
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Only the asshats
djmeltdown653029Date: Friday, 2021-06-25, 6:06 PM | Message # 7
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I have been having issues with people violating rules for a while now. I'm no angel, but I try to not break rules intentionally.

There has been a lot of disruptive play the last several weekends and it would be nice to see some enforcement of the rules from admins when they are present and someone reports it. It keeps the server honest and enjoyable when everyone is held to the same standard and follows the same set of rules. We don't want this server turning into another one of those undesirable servers that I will not mention....

I agree and disagree with Basilone here. Even through he's not my favorite player and he shouldn't have switched teams to TK (I can't condone him on that) I do agree with the spirit of his post, however.

When it's OK to "attack" a main base: On certain maps (where there are fortifications in the main base and you are shooting/killing enemy) it seems only fair to allow another player to shoot back. Prime example: On Pavlov, there are a lot of DP MGs in the main and it would be unfair for enemy to not be able to return fire (mainly because it is such a small map and you can cover the entire map from these positions). If though, someone is just shooting at people spawning and running around in main, I have a problem with that .

Another instance is Spring Awakening, I love using the big arty in the main and enemy loves straffing/bombing it. It is perfectly fine with me and is OK per the rules (attacking main by air). 

Having said that, I don't think players should ever be able to physically enter a main base to either kill enemy or destroy/steal equipment.

When it's NOT OK to "attack" a main base: Certain players have a problem with push maps when they intentionally by-pass attacking flags in order (the whole point of a push map!), go to the absolute rear flag, and destroy defguns and other arty. This is very disruptive gameplay and should be punished but never is. Prime example of this is Gold Beach. Rafal and Chad are repeat offenders in this instance. They sneak to rear with cromwell or other tanks and kill the German totegun and defguns every time they play this map on allies.

I think the community needs to come to a consensus on the above push map issue. Is it ok to by-pass flags on a push to attack rear fortifications? If we can all agree it's "ok" then ok, so be it. If, we don't agree, then there needs to be enforcement and players need to be kicked/temporarily banned for this behavior.
mardukDate: Saturday, 2021-06-26, 6:31 AM | Message # 8
Group: Admins
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The last time I kicked somebody for disruptive gameplay (killing me point-blank with PIAT inf vs inf; a thing we had talked about ingame and on forum before, for me and others one of the things that first cross the line to a foolish and undesirable gameplay/server), another admin threatened to kick me. The community has a group of players who fool around and do not (or hardly) get punished because they are on TS with admins a lot I think... one of them even said to me "I do everything to annoy you" and indeed he did. I am sick of this bullcrap and additionaly have to deal with more important things in real life lately. I hope admins and community remember what [FHSW]Europe once stood for and find back to rules enforcement when players take advantage of our general laissez faire too much.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
DeathDate: Saturday, 2021-06-26, 9:05 PM | Message # 9
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Alright so I am going to make myself very clear and address this issue.

Push Maps people WILL ALWAYS move to attack flags in the back or arty or whatever. To be complaining about Admins not enforcing that Major? Seriously? If we had to kick and ban everyone who attack a cap that wasn't cappable yet we would have to ban the entire server. Everyone has done it one way or another and its been going on for YEARS. Even before Bubu took over, people have always attacked stuff in the back. This is a problem that's almost impossible to enforce. Major if you don't like them going to the back with their tanks, you have def guns and AT kill them. 

Listen we have a few ways to Admin or two main choices, we can either be kind of lax and increase server population and let everyone have a little fun to a certain extent and not kick everyone for everything. Or we can kick you guys for every rule infraction ever which will eventually kill the server. We're playing a 19 year old game and have a limited playerbase. each one of you guys is important to this community. We can't just kick everyone for everything nobody will want to play anymore. Look at PFC they enforced rules too much and they eventually died out. So as the community the option is yours, we can be dictators and enforce the rules 100% or be lax and let everyone have some fun to a reasonable extent. 

As for the attacking in main we will be using a FAIR SHOT POLICY.
If you decide to sit in your main base and fire a machine gun, rifle, Tank, Mobile Arty and you purposely sit there in your main base firing out of it. you give up your not attacking main privledges meaning if you sit in main firing out of it in a Tank, an enemy tank is allowed to fire back at you even if you are in your main. Its the fair policy you give up your main base protection rule to fire your gun out of main, then the enemy has the right to shoot back.

MAIN BASE RAPING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED OR TOLERATED. You cannot fire into enemy main for no reason or blow up tanks at all. if nobody is firing out of their main, you do not shoot there period. However, if you see them camping in their main, getting kills you are allowed to shoot and kill them. its only fair. 
Attacking Main by Plane is still 100 allowed. 

Now some of you might not be happy about this but its only fair, or we can ban half the server for breaking the rules. you want to attack someone while sitting in your main base? go for it but know that we will not ban or kick the person if they decide to shoot into main to kill you. you abused the rule first its only fair they get to shoot you.
I will be watching all of you that fire out of main or attack it. if I feel you are camping in main trying to get protection by saying others are attacking main you will not be supported. if you attack main without anyone firing, you will be warned and kicked for base raping. if you attack someone in main who has been firing out of main and killing people that's fine.
I am only going to say this ONCE. To those that switch teams to teamkill someone attacking main or an uncap, you will be kicked after 1 warning and you know who you are. 

If I have to sit in main base every game to watch you guys I will. but i've had enough of this main base crap. people abuse it by firing out of it and then complain that they got shot in their main base. well that won't happen if you don't sit in main firing out of it. You're allowed to return fire if someone fires out of their main base first. otherwise it will be considered base raping and it will be enforced. So that's your choice guys you can sit in main but you give up your rule protection. 

Its a Game guys, we've been a community playing weekends together for how many years now? don't be an asshole and ruin it for others? people won't always be happy but we can't be too strict and become PFC. we need to have balance.
But if you have an issue PM me or Bubu. and I will be keeping an eye on you all have fun. just don't break the rules or go to far.

bubuDate: Saturday, 2021-06-26, 9:58 PM | Message # 10
Group: Admins
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Quote basilonemoh7 ()
I was killed repeatedly in base on Prok and Pavlov and nothing was done. Rainbow Dash in the Ferdinand on Prok and Jey as inf on Pavlov. And others.
1. Rainbow Dash fired ONCE to mainbase, not repeatedly.
2. Jey is new player that Death brought in
3. You complain a lot while generalizing.

Quote basilonemoh7 ()
And players complained cause I teamswitched and whacked them while they were doing their crap.

You teamswitched on Pavlov and started to teamkill people. On Pavlov. With 30+ people. You have no right to do that - why? YOU DID NOT EVEN REPORT THINGS NORMALLY. You start saying admins do nothing yet when I ask "Who", you don't reply anymore. Again: As Death said, if you fire from main, be ready to be fired upon.

Quote pfcbluemax ()
Only the asshats
PFC attitude that is based subjective judgement. Please give me metrics when person qualifies to be an asshat.

Quote djmeltdown653029 ()
There has been a lot of disruptive play the last several weekends and it would be nice to see some enforcement of the rules from admins when they are present and someone reports it. It keeps the server honest and enjoyable when everyone is held to the same standard and follows the same set of rules.
So who broke the rules and how? When I was online, noone attacked main bases, flags were attacked in orded, noone did kamikaze, noone was teamkilling, noone broke any rules. The fact that you too complain literally about everything (which made Kebab invent "Meltdown complains" saying) does not mean people are breaking rules. Correct me if I am wrong.

Quote marduk ()
The last time I kicked somebody for disruptive gameplay (killing me point-blank with PIAT inf vs inf; a thing we had talked about ingame and on forum before, for me and others one of the things that first cross the line to a foolish and undesirable gameplay/server), another admin threatened to kick me.
1. I did not threaten you, I did kick you!
2. Read this thread again and tell me how did I agreed to "using PIAT in infantry combat will be forbidden". I did not agree to it in this forums, nor in our telegram communication, just as I told you before. I agree kicking people for using AT weapons while jumping on tanks and dying in process. So you made this rule up because you were pissed that Kebab killed you with a PIAT in a building.

Quote marduk ()
The community has a group of players who fool around and do not (or hardly) get punished because they are on TS with admins a lot I think...
You are plainly wrong. I am in the TS with Chad, Kebab, E3, Gameplayer, and multitude of others. Last time Basilone was TKed by Kebab, I kicked him. Chad did something, I kicked him. So stop generalizing and name people!

Quote marduk ()
one of them even said to me "I do everything to annoy you" and indeed he did.
Yes, Kebab trolls you and you provide him enough ground to do so.

Quote marduk ()
I hope admins and community remember what [FHSW]Europe once stood for and find back to rules enforcement when players take advantage of our general laissez faire too much.
I still do, we all do. DuckDuck does, Death does. But I can't punish players for every little nuance they make to satisfy complaints from you Basilone and Meltdown.
If there was 40 people on the server, and a single person had entered enemy main or uncap flag and kills you, you will start screaming to kick that player (if not ban), overgeneralise that admins do not do anything, that every rule is being broken, and worst of all, you Basilone will join players' team and teamkill him! All instead of spawning and killing this player yourself.
LampoDate: Saturday, 2021-06-26, 10:11 PM | Message # 11
Donator of 40€
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that's why I love preventive ban... or some ban lottery  smile 
I'm sorry I can't be serious I had a period of depression time last year and I didn't like it. 
Mardi, how are you... ? Come back or kick

pfcbluemaxDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 5:05 AM | Message # 12
Group: Recruit
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Sry but I might be an asshat every once in awhile and possibly deserve a kick.I know you guys won't listen to what I can add because of me coming from PFC and yea I got some haters.But I will say this anyway a lot of these complaints can easily be fixed.....by having one admin willing to give up a little piece of their gameplay and score by switching teams when problems arise to check the problem out.when players complain about being raped switch team to verify it and fix the problem.being an admin didn't start at pfc.

And to the guys complaing remember the guys doing admin job don't get payed for their free time and can get burned out.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 10:07 AM | Message # 13
Group: Admins
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Bubu: "1. I did not threaten you, I did kick you!"

I am glad you are not questioning/opposing me in front of all, Bubu. The last time I said to you that you do, you denied you would. Now you even claim to have kicked me (which is not even true), your admin colleague. Nice hypocritical powergames you do there. Do you even realise that? I made you admin years ago and now you do this. Do you really think that's ok?

"So stop generalizing and name people!"

You have to read more carefully. I didn't name a single person, on purpose I didn't. Also I said "I think" to make sure it is a supposition.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
bubuDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 12:05 PM | Message # 14
Group: Admins
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Quote marduk ()
I am glad you are not questioning/opposing me in front of all, Bubu. The last time I said to you that you do, you denied you would. Now you even claim to have kicked me (which is not even true), your admin colleague. Nice hypocritical powergames you do there. Do you even realise that? I made you admin years ago and now you do this. Do you really think that's ok?
Oh actually you are right, I did not kick you after you kicked Kebab, I confused it with moment when I kicked you after bailing plane on El Alamein, sorry.

Here is chat log:

I did not want to be an admin at all, I only own the server. But you wanted me as admin despite my declaratory stance. But nevertheless, the fact that you constantly think of "opposition" and "powergames" is absurd. I do disagree with kicking for "using AT weapons in inf-inf combat". I do not remember agreeing in our PMs and I did not agree to it in public (check the thread I linked).
I am not entirely sure how is using PIAT (in a kit that only has knife and a Wembley revolver) a disruptive gameplay? Would we kick people for using PTRS rifle against infantry too?

Quote marduk ()
You have to read more carefully. I didn't name a single person, on purpose I didn't. Also I said "I think" to make sure it is a supposition.
Yes, and that's why I am asking you to name people! Nevertheless, your suppositions are incorrect.
bubuDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 12:08 PM | Message # 15
Group: Admins
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Quote pfcbluemax ()
by having one admin willing to give up a little piece of their gameplay and score by switching teams when problems arise to check the problem out.when players complain about being raped switch team to verify it and fix the problem
This is a good idea.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 1:42 PM | Message # 16
Group: Admins
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I ask you again/or more precise: Do you think it is okay or even a good idea to kick an admin colleague?! What do you show to the community with that? That we fight each other in public - Wtf is wrong with you? It is not me that has to calm dowm, you have to overthink how you approached me lately. Also, because you kicked me on El Ala (I actutally can not remember that you kicked me there, but if you say so) because of false accusations of a player that you believed more than an admin colleague.

"I am not entirely sure how is using PIAT (in a kit that only has knife and a Wembley revolver) a disruptive gameplay?"

Imagine all people start running around with AT-weapons to fight inf vs. inf (like on redsquare with Solothurn, which also pissed you off and you agreed to remove it from the map. Anyway, I do not know how serious you were about the latter). The server would become complete idiotic. Which it partly already became when ppl started using kamikaze-zooking/fausting against all sorta tanks. I admit the line is not too clear, but I have decided to kick for Panzerfaust or PIAT against inf in close combat to make sure, that we want "normal" fighting.

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
pfcbluemaxDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 2:54 PM | Message # 17
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Internal matters should also be in a non public place in forum.

I'm not taking sides just giving you all my knowledge.
Look at pfc it is all but dead and this is because of one guys actions grabbi.He would kick admins and lol them.He would then make lies about them.It was all fine until one admin me decided to fight back and I made him look the ass to the other owner and then I left.culo was one of those admins that grabbi fuked with also.many good admins have been fuked with by grabbi.i couldn't sit back anymore and put up with his bullshit and here I am on fhsw banned on pfc.Bottom line is he fuked his server by his actions by showing his disrespect to the admins that saved his server a few years back.

Admin kicking admin is never good to show the public.
mardukDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 3:06 PM | Message # 18
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pfcbluemax: "Internal matters should also be in a non public place in forum."

You are right. But I think that we will come to a conclusion in the end (as we always did) and so we can make an exception wink

This is a gaming community. People come here to relax. If you start an argument you will get kicked.

Quid pro quo.

Marduk aka Postduk
pfcbluemaxDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 3:19 PM | Message # 19
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I would also add if a player that joins on a weekly basis teamkills an admin on purpose something needs done because when the population sees this it's not good.i would of waited till the end of round to kick meltdown and took all his points away.when asshats have no respect for admins you lost the respect of the regulars because they see nothing is done about teamkilling an admin.
DeathDate: Sunday, 2021-06-27, 6:13 PM | Message # 20
Group: Admins
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I will be switching teams periodically to check on things if an issue comes up.
Listen I don't play FHSW as seriously as I used to , going for the kills and score, I just want to have fun and everyone have fun.
So if any issue comes up, message in all chat and if im not on your team i will switch over and take a look for myself.

Easy way to monitor things smile

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