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FHSW wont load maps (r)
aidensuganoDate: Sunday, 2014-09-21, 2:59 PM | Message # 1
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Hey, i just installed FHSW for the first time, i flowed the install instructions to the letter though when i go to join a game or even host a lan match, after i join/start the loading bar gets to the end and the game sits on the loading screen, it doesn't crash it just sits there iv waited for like 4/5 min and nothing ....

im running win 7 64 bit, i have the origin bf1942 and i have set compatibility mod for "win 98/me" and "run as administrator"

thanks! : )

Message edited by aidensugano - Sunday, 2014-09-21, 3:05 PM
RADIOSMERSHDate: Sunday, 2014-09-21, 3:24 PM | Message # 2
FHSW Wikia Co-Admin
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Have you tried to run FHSW without Win 98/ME compatibility mode? Since it increases loading time a lot and FHSW itself is very resource demanding.
Btw, what are your PC's specs?
Korsakov829Date: Sunday, 2014-09-21, 4:51 PM | Message # 3
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Five minutes is normal if you have a bad PC. Even if you have a good one it will take a minute.
aidensuganoDate: Monday, 2014-09-22, 1:40 AM | Message # 4
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my specs be:

CPU: i7 920
RAM:6 gigs 1.2 ghz
GPU:gtx 460 1gb
sound: Xonar Essence STX
HDD:1tb slow piece of crap with 20 gigs left L;

ok so given 5 min is normal ill try with out 98/me and see what happens after 5/6 min

also is it normal for the loading bar to speedily fill and the game to sit there still loading?

thanks for the uber quick replys!
aidensuganoDate: Monday, 2014-09-22, 1:56 AM | Message # 5
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no luck i waited for 8 min :/
should add i cant turn ofwin 98/me compatibility mode, the box/s are greyed out? even when i right click the desktop make a new shortcut..
also my HDD accesses indicator flickers a Little more then when it is idle

Message edited by aidensugano - Monday, 2014-09-22, 2:01 AM
Korsakov829Date: Monday, 2014-09-22, 2:40 AM | Message # 6
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It is normal as well for the loading bar to fill quickly. You might actually have a similar problem I have from time to time, what I do to fix it is to press ESC to back out of loading, then start loading again, that always works for me if it seems to be taking longer than normal. I heard that pressing alt-tab to change windows also fixes it, this is a problem that seems to only affect people with Windows 7.
aidensuganoDate: Monday, 2014-09-22, 3:17 AM | Message # 7
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hmmm ill give it a try
aidensuganoDate: Monday, 2014-09-22, 3:38 AM | Message # 8
Group: Recruit
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no luck, i tried pressing esc after the bar filled, before,during and waited 5 min, and the same with alt tab
the maps i loading are ural mountans 1947, angaur, and a day of zitadelle 
for some reason when loading a day of zitadelle the loading bar crawls across super slowly, after 5 min it had progressed around 1/4
aidensuganoDate: Monday, 2014-09-22, 8:24 AM | Message # 9
Group: Recruit
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ah glorious success!!! i reinstalled on to my external hdd and it works!
thanks for your subjection and stuff!! smile
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